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"Good morning Stephanie"

"Good morning little fucker"

Stephanie got out of bed and headed into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and headed downstairs. I did the same and me and Steph were downstairs together eating breakfast.
All the sudden Stephanie ran into the bathroom and started throwing up, I ran upstairs to go check on her

"Steph? Are you ok?" I asked knocking on the door

"Yea I'm fine j-just wait for me downstairs I'll be down In a sec" she sounded really sick.

I walked downstairs and continued to eat. Stephanie came down looking very pale and threw away the rest of her breakfast, She sat on the couch and held onto her stomach.

Well maybe it's some sort of side affect from getting shot.....maybe she should slow down on the eating. I walked over and sat next to her concerned.

"Stephanie" I couldn't think of anything else to say she obviously wasn't ok so there was no point and asking "S-Steph is there anything I can get you?"

"Luna I'm fine stop worrying ill be ok"

"You don't look fine you honestly look like shit and your more pale and your throwing up and you threw away your food a-and

"Luna its fine!" She yelled

"Obviously its not I mean your overreacting-

"ME?!? Your the one freaking out Luna-

"Cause I care!" I yelled "whats wrong with you?!!"

She got up out the seat and walked to the front door angrily and grabbed the keys

"I'm pregnant!" She walked out the door and slammed it behind her


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