Chapter 1

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Richard Olson was new to Scranton Pennsylvania. He lived his whole life in the rainy city of Portland before his family decided that it was time for them to move. Ricky refused at first. He refused to pack his room up into boxes, and when His dad told him, "if you don't pack it into a box, i'm going to throw it away." Ricky ultimately packed his room up. His posters, CDS and books all ended up on the Moving truck first. Then went the living room furniture and then all the rest of the bed rooms.

The trip across country wasn't as bad as Ricky made it out to be. sure it was long, but it was quite beautiful. To be fair, his dad did drive them a good bit out of the ways so they could see Disneyland once before they were on the other side of the country. The Road trip took 2 weeks, but once they got to their new house, the real excitement started.

Ricky chose a bedroom on the second floor. there was a tree to the left outside the window, and across the way was a bedroom in another house. He had hoped that the person was nice and would take pictures and try to embarrass him at school. So far he had yet to see the blinds open on the bedroom window across from his own, and he'd lived there almost a week.

The house he lived in slowly came together. The living room had been done and neatly organized. As much as Ricky wouldn't want to admit, his family picked a nice home to buy. The town wasn't too small but it wasn't what he was used to. He missed the clouds and the rain, Sunlight was his mortal enemy. As his time in Scranton increased, he found ways to entertain himself. He found the music shop a few days after he found the library. He checked out all the books he could at once and read them all within a few days. Edgar Allan Poe was one of his favorite poets, but he ultimately loved the Harry potter series the most. He'd read it over and over, cover to cover, the entire series at least 3 times now.

For a 17 year old boy, he spent more time reading and playing his guitar then he did talking to people his age. His older sister was just about to turn 19 and only went with the family because she didn't want to be all alone with the the rest of the family being 2000 miles away. His younger two sisters were quite annoying at times. Noah, was 9 and always asking questions and trying to get him in trouble. She was a handful to babysit most nights while his parents worked. Samantha was 14 going on 15 and did not know how to shut up. Being about 2 years younger meant Ricky and her were close in age, they barely got along, mostly because she was always in his business, trying to tell him what to do, even though he was older than her.

One thing Ricky wasn't looking forward to was starting school and not knowing anyone. Everyone would already have friend groups developed and the social ladder constructed. He was being dumped into it Junior year, with no friends and no idea how the other students would accept him. At his last school, he was bullied severely, most days he came home with bruises and bloody noses, that being one of the reasons the family wanted to move, they wanted Ricky to have a chance at regular school, one where he wouldn't be bullied every day and forced into lockers.

School started in 2 weeks and Ricky didn't want to go. Samantha was ecstatic to be going to high school but Ricky saw it more as confinement. He hated when Him and Sam went to the same school. She was always more popular and no one could believe that they were related.

Walking down the street to the library, Ricky saw someone finally come out of the house next to him. It was a boy, a litter taller than him, with long black hair, and grey eyes. He didn't say much but he awkwardly waved, both boys had been wearing the same shirt by the band HIM. Continuing on to the library, Ricky returned a few books before wandering into the section about Myths and mythological creatures. He picked out a book on Vampires, he always found the lore interesting. Some books agreed on things and others argued it out on the features Vampires had. If Ricky believed in anything, anything at all, it had to be in Ghosts. His old house was haunted but no one wanted to believe him.

The boy from next door was walking, and not paying attention. He bumped into Ricky, and dropped his books. both piles they had been carrying fell to the floor, mixing. Ricky bent down quickly to grab the books that were his, as did the boy. Both their hands touched, cheeks instantly turning red. "sorry." both whispered very softly, too shy to speak any louder.

"i'm Ricky."

"Hi. i'm're new here aren't you?" the boy said above a whisper.

"yeah. we just moved in, i started junior year in 2 weeks."

"cool! i'm a junior too."

"Nice shirt by the way." Ricky said softly.

"You too! i have to get going, i'll see you around Raccoon." Devin said with a smile at the end before getting his books and disappearing.

Ricky smiled to himself a little bit before grabbing a few more books and checking out. His first Human interaction out here without the help of his parents had a bumpy start, but it went well none-the-less. He hoped he'd be able to befriend Devin at school and make the transition a bit easier, at least this time around he would have friends.

Devin Blushed profoundly and then grabbed his books and ran away after a short conversation. Brandon wouldn't be happy if he found out that Devin had been talking to strangers in the Library, especially male ones. Getting his books, he got home quickly. His dad ignored him as he walked in, and his mom told him he better help with dinner or he'd be in serious trouble, which translated to him getting his ass kicked after his dad got drunk. His parents weren't fond of him being who he truly was, which meant he dressed as he pleased and didn't care about gender or stero-types.

Putting his stuff away in his room, he washed his hands and immediately began to help cook dinner, and by help, it really meant he cooked it himself. He was a decent cook, he could make just about anything from a recipe and it would come out amazing. His parents made him cook all the time and then clean everything. When he wasn't cooking or cleaning, he was reading or playing his bass. When he wasn't doing any of that, he was with his boyfriend.

Brandon wasn't the nicest when he was upset. At first he had been very nice to Devin, helped him up when someone pushed him down. But most days, it was Brandon doing the pushing. Devin longed for the day that he could be free of Brandon and his family. He dreamed of owning his own clothing line as well as being a musician. His eye was on the prize, and he would do whatever it took (within reason) to get there. Devin Sola was tired of people taking advantage of him, and them boxing him into what they wanted, and being unsupportive. Today he may be covered in bruises, but he longed for the day that his bones no longer ached from the abuse he received daily.

A/N: another new story....... YAY!!!!! I'm excited for something new! I'm finally doing a Ghost/ Ricky Story! My last like 3 were Chris/ghost stories, so its exciting to finally do Ghorror! I've read it for quite awhile, and now i'm trying my hand at it.

Like all my stories, It starts off a little slow, but with excitment, Cant have them fall in love in the first chapter, where's the plot ;) there will probably be smut at some point, but not in the first 4 chapters, i can account for that.

Let me know whatcha Think! <3


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