Chapter 7

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Once in Raven's car, Ricky relaxed for a moment, "Can we please not go home right away, I need something other than the confinements of my room and school."

Raven sighed, "yeah, one drive with no destination coming up." she said as she put the car in gear.

"What happened?" she asked after a few minutes.

"Zoned out. Teacher hit the desk. Scared me. Fell out of chair and hit my head on the desk behind me. Teacher felt bad, didn't yell at me, instead said not to do it again." Ricky said as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Damn, You haven't done that in a long while, though."

"what? the falling out of my chair or zoning out." he grumbled


"yeah, well i wish i hadn't. They're going to kill me for missing school."

"Well, I mean they wont know since i signed you out, but i get what you're saying." she said as she merged onto the freeway.

"I dont get why they are like this to me, why they put immense pressure on me, and why they push me around, they don't do it to anyone else."

"'s not my place to tell you....but..."

"what?" he asked opening his eyes.

"you're adopted."

"What?" he asked in disblief.

"technically. you see, Dad cheated on mom with another woman when i was young, and well you were created. Mom was livid, angry, and almost left him, but she had me, and she didn't want to raise a kid on her own. Your birth mom didn't want you, She had you and tried to raise you, but about 3 weeks later, she died from an overdose of PCP. Mom saw a baby in need, and rather than send you to the system, she decided that her and Dad would adopt you and raise you, and she would accept you as her son."

"so that's why there's no pictures of mom pregnant with me?" he asked.

"yeah, and when she had the girls, she was over the moon, she didn't exactly want a son, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it once they adopted you."

"so she didn't want me? Did dad?" he asked.

"well, i was too young to remember, but i remember as you got older, Mom became more distant with you, and it was Grandma that spent the most time with you, she loved you as her own. Dad actually remained close to you until Noah came around, then he started to grow distant, or at least that's what i noticed."

"Is that that why mom says stuff to me, and dad pushes me around? I'm a reminder that he ruined their marriage?"

"I'm not sure, because if they didn't stay together, they wouldn't have the girls."

Ricky hummed. He was in shock, everything was a lie.

" come they never told me?"

"mom hated to be reminded that her husband cheated on her, but this entire move was to fix their marriage once again, because yet again, dad is cheating on mom, and she doesn't know yet, but she will."

"and dad knows he's cheating, and i'm a reminder of what happened last time he cheated?" Ricky asked.

"its probably something like that. I wish he didn't push you around."

"me too." Ricky huffed as he turned on the radio. "music, oh how i've missed you."

Ricky put in his favorite slipknot CD and turned it up as loud as Raven would let him, and let him sing and get out all his frustrations, even though his head was killing him.

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