Chapter 5

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A/N: there is going to be a trigger warning on this chapter. I try to not go to triggering things very often, but in this case, it is needed for the plot to develop further. Please be advised, if you do not think it is something you should read, please do not. The next chapter will most likely be non triggering and things will continue on.

Tossing the bedding to the side, Ricky got up and stumbled out of his room to the bathroom where he managed to lock the door before getting sick in the sink, not making it to the toilet. The Alcohol had allowed him to sleep without nightmares, but it was terrible on his stomach. Sitting down against the cabinet, he held his head in his hands. Doubts and uncertainty swirled in his mind. He finally found what he wanted with his life, but he didn't know what to do next. If he finds a band, and manages to play with them, then he had a shot, whether or not it worked out was only something time could tell, but If he at least tried, then he would have to put off his plan.

He then decided that there was al ultimatum, If he managed to find and join a band, and at least make a friend, he would put his plan off to the side, and not go through with it, but if it failed, then he would go through with the plan. It wasn't the best idea, hell, the whole concept was completely fucked up, as was the situation, but it is what it is, or at least that's what he accepted. He knew that subconsciously, that looking for a band to join was like the last hope he had for living, that if he didn't and couldn't find it, he'd have lost all hope entirely, and it would be time.

"Hurry up Rick, I need to do my makeup." Samantha Whined as she pounded on the door, doing nothing to help the migraine in his head, that seemed to only get worse.

"I'll be out when I'm out." he said raspy as he then heaved himself off the ground, and looked into the mirror. His eyes were sunken, his makeup was a mess, and his hair was tangled. He really needed a shower, and maybe a trip through a car wash to get off all the grime he felt.

Cleaning the sink up quickly, he disposed of the mess before brushing his teeth and washing off his makeup. He felt a little bit better, but not much, a shower would really do him well especially since he smelt like a dirty cheap bar that Hookers frequented on a weekend trying to make bank.

Turning on the water, he washed his hair in the hot water, and let the heat relax his tense muscles that only seemed to be getting tenser from the stress of school. Once he was clean and felt a small bit better, he got out and dried himself off. As he opened the bathroom door, only wearing a towel, his sister was hitting the door, and ended up hitting him straight in the jaw because of how short he was.

"FUCK." he cried out as her hand had connected with his face.

His Dad came around and shouted at him, "watch your language young man."

"she punched me in the face..." he said rather flatly.

"Perhaps if you didn't spend so long in the bathroom, she wouldn't have reason to be hitting the door." His father said with attitude.

Ricky rolled his eyes and then walked to his room, he couldn't believe that his dad was justifying his sister accidentally hitting him. following him his dad grabbed his arm firmly and said, "thats it. You're grounded. I'm sick of this attitude you've had since we moved. You ignore your family and act all pissy all the time. Maybe if you tried to be happy, you wouldn't be so miserable all the time, if you had friends...which wont happen because of how weird you are, then maybe you wouldn't be grounded. You are only to go to school and come home, nothing else. You are to spend every moment possible studying. I am taking away your guitar and you are not allowed to go to the library. I also want your phone, computer and stereo, for the next two months. Maybe you'll learn in that time, to not be such a baby, and to be normal." his dad said with venom.

Ricky's heart shattered, his dad was taking the only things he had. His best friend was his guitar, his only love interest was his stereo.

"Also, As a punishment, you are to throw all your makeup away and cut your hair. I am sick of you looking like a gay little freak." His dad added.

Ricky felt his heart shatter the rest of the way. Everything he had, was being taken away from him, and he felt like the walls were constricting in on him. Pulling his arm out of his dad's grip, he fought his dad's grip. At the same time, his dad pulled on him tighter, sending Ricky face first into the wall. Ricky hissed in pain but said nothing.

"take those stupid lip rings out of your lip right now." his dad growled a moment later.

"FINE." Ricky shouted, he then pulled them out and threw them at his dad, "take it all, take everything, I don't fucking care anymore." he screamed before storming off to his room where he locked the door and began to cry silently. Getting dressed, he pulled on a hoodie and jeans. Moments after he was dressed, there was a pounding on the door.

Opening it, his dad then stormed in and began to grab Ricky's stuff and drag it down stairs where he then threw it in a box, and locked it in the attic. Ricky watched, that's all he could do. When everything he loved was gone, he closed the door and locked it once again, and broke down crying more. How was he supposed to join a band, if he couldn't practice, let alone audition. It was hopeless. He now had nothing going for him.

His breathing began to get harsh and his heart was racing. Taking a shaky breath, he tried to move from where he stood, in the center of the room, to his bed. Collapsing to the floor, he leaned against the bed with his back. As his anxiety kept increasing, he found it harder to breathe, his vision began to go hazy and his body was shaking more and more with each passing minute. Grabbing a box from underneath his bed, he unlocked it using the key he kept hidden underneath the bed, tucked into the bedding.

Unlocking the small gray box, he pulled out the contents. In his palm lay a small pocket knife and 2 razor blades. Pulling his jeans and boxers down, he brought it against his skin repeatedly, trying to find comfort, trying to feel something other than numb. Time seemed to slow down, or speed up, he couldn't tell anymore. All he knew was that he felt extremely dizzy and his vision was getting hazy. Grabbing his stuff that he used to clean up his skin, he applied pressure to it to slow the bleeding. As it slowed, he then cleaned it up and bandaged it before tossing the bloody tissues and gauze in a bag and shoved it back into the box and locked it, to dispose of it later. Pulling up his pants and boxers, he slowly got up and into his bed where he laid there staring at the ceiling. The clock on his desk slowly ticked away, second by second, driving him insane slowly. After what seemed like hours, which was really only about 10 minutes. getting up slowly, he looked for his notes for school, and started to do his homework, his migraine never once getting better.

As he began the AP calc homework, he felt himself slowly losing his patience with the stupid graphs, and the clock ticking. throwing the clock at the wall, he watched as it shattered, just like his hopes for things finally looking up for him.

A/N: thank you all for reading and favoriting all the chapters, it means the absoulute world. I've written out to about Chapter 11 currently. I will admit that things are slow, but by chapter 8 (which is 3 chapters from now) they pick up and don't stop, and wont stop any time soon. You see, I want this to be a longer book, At least 20 chapters, 30 is my goal. I haven't written anything this long in awhile and I want to challenge myself as well as keep each chapter on track and not get too off track, but trust me, its fun! well as fun as this can get for now, but after i'm guessing chapter 15, things are going to go up on the happiness meter and it'll be all rainbow and butterflies for a long while.  Each chapter is about 1k words minimum, (after chapter 2) and keeps getting longer and longer. 

Don't forget to Comment! 

Question of the day: Who is your favorite  Comedy Movie actor?

Mine is Kevin Hart, that little man can sure make me laugh.

Rage and Love


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