Chapter 12

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Devin was nervous and Raven was ready to shit her pants. Neither knew what to expect, and the fear of the unknown was terrifying. Together they walked back to Ricky's room. Raven took a deep breath before she walked in, she knew that deep inside her, she could not handle seeing her brother like this, but she knew she had to be there to show him she cared. Devin on the other hand, felt like this had all happened before, but he knew it hadn't. Then he made the small realization that it was only a few months ago that he lay in the hospital bed, beaten black and blue, barely able to open his eye. Walking in, he held his head down.

Ricky lay there, motionless in white, the god awful hospital gown making him look even more pale,and the bruises on his body, even more intense. Blacks, Purples and faint green bruises covered his arms and face.His right eye was swollen, his jaw lay slack, as the machine was in his throat, helping him breathe. Raven could barely breathe as she looked at Ricky. He looked so fragile and breakable.

Sitting down in the chair, Devin picked up Ricky's hand and held it close to his chest, "please be okay Rick." he whispered. Raven sat on the other side, and held onto Ricky's other hand, "I'm so sorry Rick, I was supposed to protect you, you're my little brother."

For Ricky, he heard everything going on around him. He was in that state where you're awake, but still asleep. His eyes remained shut, and his body couldn't move, but he heard everything around him. He wanted to tell Raven that it was okay, and that he was okay with him getting hurt as long as she was okay, but he couldn't speak. There was something in his throat, and it felt terrible. His hands felt heavy, but also as if someone were holding them.

"My little Raccoon, if only You knew what you truly meant to me, you'd understand why I'm so upset." Devin said softly. Ricky then felt hands in his hair, gently brushing it away. It was soothing, it lulled him back to sleep, where he met his dreams.

"Ricky Come ON! we're going to be late." Devin said to Ricky as he pulled him along to the movie theater.

"Its fine, we'll only be like 5 minutes late, and it wont have started by then."

Devin responded by giving Ricky Bitch face, which Ricky laughed at and said, "You know I'm right." Devin huffed and turned around facing Ricky completely. Ricky took the moment to wrap his arms around his lover and pull him close, "why don't we just skip the movie and go home and put on a movie that we will end up not watching anyways." Ricky suggested softly.

"Babe we can do that after, you know that this is a new Tim Burton movie."

Ricky giggled and said, "alright, alright." He then went up to the counter, bought two tickets and they went inside. Devin bought popcorn while Ricky got them drinks. Soon they were sitting in the theater, eager for the opening credits to begin and the trailers to end.

As the lights got dimmer, Ricky watched Devin's face, as he was excited and more than eager for the new movie, and Ricky found it adorable as hell. In that moment, he knew he had done right, asking Devin to marry him last summer was the most amazing thing he'd done yet, apart from being a musician.

Devin sat at Ricky's side all night and did not move once, he held the other boy's hand and never once let go. Raven had sat on the other side, and she too had not moved from her chair, but she had let go of Ricky's hand.

A/N: So this is really short, I'm sorry. I was running out of ideas, and when i got one, i realized I should just make this chapter shorter so I can move on to the next part and make it better, y'know. Thanks for all the votes on the other chapters. it's appreciated. 

I haven't done question of the day in a while, so here is one:

What is one of your favorite foods?

~ I really like Pizza, but next to that is a burrito and then tacos. I've had chipotle twice in like 3 days, and I'm disappointed in myself. thats like 13$ and I could have used that to buy a weeks worth of food, not 2 burritos, smh

Rage and Love, 


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