Chapter 4

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By the time Friday came, Ricky was tired and worn down by the week. Marcus and his goons got to him twice more, this time they took it as far as punching him in the face, and punching him in the stomach. His body ached from the bruises, and he was tired from the lack of sleep he was getting. He probably got 4 hours of sleep each night. The homework kept increasing steadily and it was never ending. High school was the definition of cruel and unusual treatment. Most of his teachers didn't even notice him because of how quiet he was. He'd also made no other friends, and had yet to see Devin around somewhere.

Raven convinced their parents to let Ricky go, they were extremely hesitant but she convinced him that he would behave and that if anything happened, she would call. Taking her shitty Honda Civic, they drove out to the venue and parked. "thanks sis, It's going to be so much fun!" he said excitedly. She smiled at him, it was the first time in a long time that she saw her brother so excited for something.

Ticket in hand, the siblings got out and made their way into the venue. Once inside, Ricky and Raven lit up before the concert started. Ricky felt at peace and when the opening band started, he felt alive for the first time in awhile. A mosh pit started around him and he joined in it. He had a blast. After a while, he took a break. Getting some water, he bumped into someone, "oh shit sorry." he said.

"it cool, no worries." the taller stranger said. "hey, don't you go to my school?" the guy asked.

"Probably, I just started there this week."

"Are you Raccoon boy?" the tall kid asked.

"Uh i guess, depends on who said it."


"Oh well then yeah, I met Devin once."

"Cool Cool, Well, my name's Chris. Its Nice to finally meet you, come hang out with us sometime!"

"Cool, Nice to meet you, I'm Ricky."

Raven found Ricky and chose to embarrass him. "Hey Rickkkkkyyy. Is this the cute new friend you told me you made at school?"

Ricky glared at her almost instantly, "Least I can meet guys, and No, its not Devin, its his friend Chris."

Raven laughed, "shut up short shit. I'll leave you here, have fun getting home."

"I do apologize for my sister, it seems she's taken after my 14 year old sister and doesn't know when to shut the hell up." Ricky said embarrassed.

"its cool no worries, my brother does shit like that to me all the time. Anyways, i gotta go find my friend Vinny before him and the others find a way to get in trouble." Chris said with a shake of his head and waved as he ran off.

"He was cute." Raven said once he was gone.

"oh my god Raven can you not." Ricky said with an annoyed tone.

Raven rolled her eyes and dragged him back to the stage area. Thats where they waited for Slipknot to take the stage. Ricky stood there anxiously, he wanted to see Corey Taylor stand 15 feet away from him and feel the bass and the instruments rock him to his core. When the house lights faded, and the stage lights came back on, Ricky felt his heart speed up. When the band took the stage, and he felt the crowd cheer, and he felt the music start, he realized what he wanted with his life. He chose Music. Losing himself to the music, he sang the lyrics and had a great time.

When the show came to an end, Ricky felt sad, he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to go home, back to his parents, back to the pressure they all put on him to "do well". The car ride home was pretty quiet, both of them tired but content. Once they got to the drive way, Ricky teased Raven and said, "where's the alcohol?" she grinned and pulled out a few bottles.

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