Chapter 8

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Ricky sat at his desk, thinking about how the day had gone. He got a serious injury and then found out he was adopted, it was a lot to take in. His homework wasn't very easy since he had missed the lecture but he made do, and got it all done earlier than usual since he was home earlier.

As he put all of his work away in his backpack, he shut off his desk lamp. He thought about what Raven had said, He knew how his parents felt towards him now, and it made him feel some sort of comfort, because now he knew why.

Cracking his back as he stood, he went to his bed to lay down. He was immensely tired and felt like utter shit. Closing his eyes, he began to drift asleep but was woken by someone pounding on the door.

Getting up, and unlocking it, he was met with he face of his father who looked pissed.

"Samantha told me what happened today, she heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend."

Ricky sighed, Samantha and her big mouth just got him in serious trouble.

"I'm sorry. It wont happen again." Ricky said as he bit his tongue from letting any attitude out.

"You will not be an embarrassment to this family, do you understand me?" his dad said angrily.

"I finally understand why you all are the way you are. So tell me, what was my mother's name? was she pretty?"

Sadness had flashed over his dad's dace for a second before it turned to anger, "i don't know where you have heard of such things, but you will not speak of them."

"So its true. The perfect couple isn't so perfect. Husband cheated on the wife, had a kid, and adopted it when the mom died from being a drug addict. Now, he's cheating again, and looking at his soon is just a constant reminder of what he's doing, and both parents now verbally attack the son, whom which none of it is his fault, he was just a result of a fling." Ricky said with snark.

Moments later, his dad's hand connected with his face, giving him a black eye. "YOU will not disrespect me or Susan. She didn't have to adopt you, we could have let you end up in the foster system, going home to home because no one wanted you, but we didn't, we wanted to be nice and give you something, and all you have done is fight us and disrespect us at every turn. I regret Mary, because had I known she stopped taking birth control pills, I would have never fucked her." His dad said as his eyes narrowed.

Ricky gulped as his dad stepped closer and closer, pinning him to his desk. "I don't care how much you hurt, or how much you cry, You will go to school tomorrow, and you will not bring shame to the Olson name. You will do as i say, or you will face the consequences."

Ricky nodded and looked away.

"You will look at me." His dad commanded, grabbing his face.

"You are nothing, you always will be, and if you even so much as try to tell someone what goes on here, You will be out on the streets in a heart beat, and You will never speak to Raven or any of the Olson family ever again, do you understand me."

Ricky nodded.

"I said, do you understand me?" His dad shouted in his face.

"Yes sir." Ricky said making eye contact.

Letting go, his dad dropped him and walked out.

Ricky held back the tears, he didn't want to cry, no he wanted to sleep forever and ever, and never wake up.

Closing his door, he then collapsed onto his bed and sobbed. Nothing ever went good for him, he was a failure of a son, no one wanted him, no one cared, he was better off lunch for the worms, than he was staying alive.

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