Chapter 11

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Ricky' s mom sat waiting for information on her son. The longer that they had no information, the more worried she grew. For him only having broken ribs, and a fractured wrist, no more information was being given out, which had her even more worried. Raven returned with the group of boys and they all sat down in silence. Another 10 minutes went by, and a doctor finally came out.

"Susan, it's best we talk in my office." her coworker said softly, looking at the group.

Susan looked around at the group of boys around her and said, "Just tell us all here, they're going to be told anyways, saves the game of telephone a round. Just tell us." she said softly.

"Richard-" the doctor started "-Ricky" Raven corrected.

"Ricky," he paused, "suffered from multiple broken ribs, one of which punctured a lung. He also has a fractured left wrist and hand, which we bandaged and he will not have any use of until its healed. There is also significant swelling in his brain, we don't know if there will be any side effects when he wakes up, but it should go down over the next few hours. However, there is some troubling news on top of this all." the doctor said while taking a breath, letting the group digest the news so far.

"Ricky's blood sugar seemed very low, and we ran a test, he's at risk for diabetes; but that is not the most troubling news. For his height and age, He's 5'7 and 17, he should be at least 130 to be considered healthy but he's about 117 lbs, which for his weight his very underweight."

"Oh my god." Raven said as a hand came up to her mouth and she felt dizzy. Chris who was behind her caught her as she started to fall backwards. Devin took her hand, and both boys then led her to the seat, where she started to cry.

"We haven't diagnosed it just yet, but we would like to see him put on weight over the next few weeks, and see if he can maintain it, if not, Diabetes may be playing a part in this, we aren't certain yet."

Devin rubbed Raven's back gently, and she soon began to cry into his shoulder. "its my fault." she cried. She saw the signs, much like he had seen in her, and she had done nothing. She watched as he slowly came undone at the seems.

"When can we see him?" Susan asked.

"In a few minutes, we can only take 2 back at a time, with anyone under 18, we will be more reluctant to let them back there, So sam and Noah can go with you Susan, We're trying to enforce the rules, but honestly if 3 go back there when no ones looking, what can we do?" the doctor winked at Susan before returning to help more patients.

"Raven and the siblings should go with Susan first." Chris said to the guys, "then it can be whoever wants to go, and there's no particular order, whoever stands up first, or is ready to go back, can."

Raven shook her head, "I....i cant yet. Just take the girls, Chris go with her." She cried into Devin's shoulder. Chris nodded and then followed Susan and the girls back.

Chris felt weird to be going back there with Susan, but he knew that Raven wasn't ready. He also knew that Raven had suspected that he could handle it the best out of everyone, and be there for Susan if she started to cry or needed support.

After a walk that seemed to go on forever, they arrived at Ricky's room. He lay motionless in the bed, the only movement was the very faint rise and fall of his chest. The sheets he lay on had more color than he did. Blacks, Purples and faint green bruises covered his arms and face. His right eye was swollen, his jaw lay slack, as the machine was in his throat, helping him breathe.

Noah and Sam stood there, afraid for their big brother. The bed made him seem even smaller, and the machines and cables seemed to go on forever. Both girls held onto each other as they walked further into the room.

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