Chapter 10

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Susan drove faster than she should have but she didn't care, Ricky was hardly breathing now and she was panicking. Once at the hospital, Sam jumped out of the car and into action. She had grabbed her brother and gently carried him into the ER and said, "help him please, help him." she cried. almost instantly there were nurses taking Ricky from her arms and putting him on a gurney and they took him away almost immediately.

Susan came in and gave the insurance information while the three kids sat in the chairs worrying about their brother.

"Sam, what you did back there, that was amazing." Noah said, "I didn't know you were so strong."

"Noah....I'm not that strong, and Ricky weighs next to nothing, you weigh more than he does."

Noah didn't quite understand what that meant but she knew it didn't sound good. Raven held her head in her hands, she was scared for her little brother. Today had been a good day for hiim, the first in a very long time, and he ended it in the ER with god knows what kind of injuries.

Susan lied through her teeth about what happened and prayed they wouldn't ask. The bruises on her arm made her story seem less believable, but they let it pass for the moment, as the kid was seriously injured and they needed to enter his medical information.

The nurses and doctors had removed RIcky's clothing to find his entire body covered in bruises and discoloration, as well as his ribs quite visible. They took him into X ray and discovered three broken ribs, and broken collar bone. His left wrist was fractured but would be okay in a few weeks. His brain showed no concussion but there was a bit of swelling that had them concerned. Overall, he'd be okay as long as he was not bleeding internally.

Sam tweeted from her phone, "sitting in the ER praying you're okay, please be okay Rick."


Ryan's little sister was on her IPhone going through her twitter feed when she read, "sitting in the ER praying you're okay, please be okay Rick." tweeted from her friend Sam- whom she'd met through her brother's friends.

"HEY RYAN." she screamed through the empty house.



"RICKY? YEAH?" he shouted from down the hall, and soon began to walk to her room, worried.

"Sam tweeted that Rick was in the ER and that she was praying he was OK."

"Shit, did she say what happened?" Ryan asked.

"No, but I can text her?"


She then texted Sam asking what happened, and Sam replied, " DO NOT TELL ANYONE WHAT I AM GOING TO TELL YOU OKAY.......MY DAD DID IT."

"did what?"

"beat Ricky."

"holy fuck, is he okay?" she asked Sam.

"Dont know. I'm so scared, he was unconscious and i carried him to the car. I CARRIED HIM. He was so fucking Light, and he's like 2 years older than me. I knew we all were skinny but holy shit man, he was so fucking small." Sam sent back.

"Do you want me and the boys to come keep you all company?"

"you can, Raven is crying, her shoulder is fucked up from her trying to stop my dad, but she's ok. Mom fixed it."

"Me n Ryan will be there in 20, we'll text Chris and the guys."

"Ryan.... IF i tell you what happened, you cant tell anyone, not even the guys, you will have to lie to them, because if Sam knows i told you, she'd never talk to me again."

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