Chapter 3

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Ricky's start to school was as to be expected, he got lost once already and some random kid tripped him and called him an emo freak, all which Ricky had expected to happen, it was nothing out of the ordinary. His first class was Biology. There he sat, realizing he'd already taken the class and passed it with an A last time. He then went to Spanish where he sat Lost in what was going on, before going to his third class which was American History. At break he got his Biology class changed to Chemistry.

His next class was AP Lit- a very difficult English class that had intense reading amounts and homework, nothing which he felt that he couldn't handle. AP Calc AB felt like everything was in Greek, he felt that he would not do very well in this class, and if he brought home anything lower than an A, his Father would be upset, and his mother would be disappointed. Raven had set the bar for all the other kids. Even with her set backs in school, she got a 4.1 GPA and graduated top of her class. Ricky lived in her Shadow, if Raven did it better, he was told so. She took 11 AP classes over 4 years, he had to take a minimum of 11 to be allowed to keep his xbox and guitar according to his dad. Because he wasn't athletic like Raven was- She played soccer and was amazing at it, he was a disappointment to his dad, another reason he didn't spend time with the man.

Everything he did, was compared to Raven. Her shadow was casted over him and nothing he could do could prove to his parents that he was just as smart as her and hard working. Had his parents been around more, they would have seen what the pressure was doing to him. Raven saw it, she hated what they put Rick through. Sure he was a little anti social and loved books and music more than most people did, but it was him. She loved her little brother regardless of how strange some of his mannerisms were.

Tossing his Math book in his locker he sighed, So far the only thing different about Scranton was that the classes were twice as hard because the teachers back home went easier on them despite being AP. He could practically count the hours of sleep he'd get this week on one hand. Perfection was what he strived for, perhaps then his parents would finally be proud of him and let him out of Raven's shadow, and let him be his own person.

Devin had a locker in the corner of Senior hall. The school wasn't the biggest but it did have a large amount of students on campus. The main hall ran horizontal while the two other halls ran vertical, forming an H shape. One wing was the science area, while all the English classes were on the other side of campus. The lay out of the school was stupid, the passing period was also 6 minutes, which helped at times, but when teachers decided to keep you in longer, it proved to be irritating. The lockers weren't the biggest, but they were big enough for someone to small enough to get pushed into one and the door shut, forgotten and left to go crazy.

That's how Devin met Ricky again. Devin had been going to his last class of the day when he heard someone knocking on the locker door from the inside. He knew the bell was about to ring, so it wasn't someone outside, it had to be someone inside one. "Hello?" he called out softly.

"In here." Came a voice very softly a few lockers down from where he currently stood. Walking towards it, Devin sighed. It was probably some nerdy freshman that got on the wrong side of the jocks.

"what's the combo?" Devin asked the trapped Kid.

"I think its 13-6-21-11" Ricky answered.

"got it." Devin said as he put in the last number and opened the door slowly. There stood Ricky, with his head bent down so he would fit and his arms behind his back. As he stepped out, Ricky stumbled and face planted. The jocks who shoved him in there took his belt off and tied his hands up so he couldn't hit the door with his hands to get help.

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