Cpt. 2 Different

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Tom's POV

"Dude, don't worry about me it's just an after party at a convention, the most that can happen is that I get trampled by a bunch of fan girls" I said scoffing.

"Just trying to help out, knowing your past with socializing, you're not the best." He said.

"James, I promise no one is going to be knocked out. Unless they piss me off." I chuckled. I was known to have a little bit of an anger issue, mainly caused by my past, but James has helped control that.

"Please Tom just call me after so I know everything is fine." He said with concern while I gave him a not so reassuring okay and ended the call. James was always one to look out for me, he was one of my closest friends, hell I'd even consider him my best friend. He was the only one who was there for me especially when I didn't know how to start this new life.

I was in an after party that was being held at this convention in London. I'm always ones for parties especially after a day of YouTube stuff, it was relaxing. Before you ask, yes, I'm gonna get drunk. I mean its a party how could I not.

"Tom maybe we can hook you up with someone here." Sonja said while filling her drink, she was always trying to get me with someone. She thinks that it could help me keep safe and they could look after me, but honestly I think I would be the one looking after them and I don't want that right now. I've had enough terrible relationships with some awful guys and girls and I didn't feel like adding to the list. One even dumped me because she thought my name was the same as her last boyfriend. She had some mental issues.

"Sonja, worry about your boyfriend who's struggling to stand up why don't you?" I nodded towards where Tucker was trying to keep himself from falling by leaning on the drinks table, he seemed to be failing since he fell on his butt with his drink now all over him.

"He's a shit and I love him... but back to you having a relationship, I think it would help, you've been so down lately." Yeah I had been down, but only because I saw an old friend the day before, who had a lot to say to my face that didn't make me feel too safe.

"That doesn't mean I need someone, I have you, Tucker and James" I snapped trying to get her to end this conversation.

"That doesn't count we are like your family. And James is your best friend." She was right they were really the only 'family' I had. The only people to care about me.

"What about him?" She nodded towards a short brown haired guy, who did actually look cute, and he was walking around with a flower crown on his head. Adorable. Sonja was actually the only one who knew I preferred guys and, not gonna lie, she had good taste. Stop Tom you're trying to prove a point, you can't be thinking like this.

"I need to take a piss." I said while walking away to bathroom, ignoring Sonja's question.

I didn't really need the bathroom, I surprisingly didn't drink that much to get drunk, instead I just went to one of the sinks and tried clearing my head of thoughts, especially about my friend who had threatened me a few days ago. God knows what he meant or what he might do.

I had gone to Oakley's to get a new pair of my favourite sunglasses, and when I was trying them on he charged up to me, shoving me into a wall. Obviously, because of my luck, there was no one in that section of the store at the time to witness it. He told me to watch my back and be careful and that I shouldn't have ever betrayed him. Who knows what he meant and what he will do.

I was cleared of my thoughts when I opened the door to exit and was greeted with a body falling perfectly into my arms. I looked down at the figure that was now cradled in me and, just my luck, it was the guy Sonja was talking about. Honestly he looked pretty damn hot up close and the flower crown adding to it made him look especially adorable. No Tom stop thinking about that, he's probably taken and not even gay, besides you need to worry about the now unconscious body that is in your arms and what you are going to do about him.

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