Cpt. 7 Cold

376 16 55

Jordan's POV

'Let's go somewhere'  he said. 'It'll be great, I promise'  he said. Well, currently we were stuck in an Uber with a driver who wasn't particularly fond of us. "You look adorable in big hoodies."

I blushed, hoping it was invisible to Tom in the dark of the night. He must have still noticed since I was able to see the white of his teeth through his smirking. His hand had slowly made it's way into mine since we entered the car. I wasn't going to argue with it. The warm of this body was really comforting to me. Apparently I got a fever last night and was shivering like a dog in the rain. Tom insisted that I had to be wrapped in everything comforting and big. He also may have mumbled cute hoping I didn't hear, but I didn't confront him on it. 

With our slight shifting closer to each other, our driver let out a disturbed sound. As if he were disgusted. We'd ignored it at the time, but he really seemed to have a huge dislike towards us.

"Bless you." Tom said a while after our shifting after I sneezed my brains out. The driver probably had a phobia for germs since he came to a sudden stop at the side of the road.

"I can't carry you any further." he said in an almost snare towards us. So we shuffled out of the car, and with Tom barely being able to close the door he drove off. 

"Faggots" he growled to our faces before leaving us out in the cold dreary air. I don't know why people have so much hate in them. Were we not all human? The way some people treated others surely didn't seem like it.

Now we were left walking down a random abandoned street in London at night. Tom wanting to take me to get some food or at least go see The London Eye, maybe not ride it because I was almost certain it didn't open at this hour; and since our ride had left us I doubt that would happen anymore. 

"Shit Jordan, you're shaking." Tom said steadying me by my shoulders while we walked trying to find our way back to humanity. It only just came to my realization that I was cold. Really cold. I was freezing actually. I wasn't able to feel my fingers and my teeth were chattering. The hoodie and sweatpants definitely weren't giving me warmth anymore. I needed body heat.

"T-Tom..." I stuttered through my teeth trying to form my sentence, in which I failed. But thankfully he understood what I needed and immediately swept me off my feet and held me bridal style without uttering a single word. I could already feel the body heat from him slowly warming me up. I was practically pulling at his shirt with how much I tried grabbing at him to gain more body heat.

Tom carried me for some of the way, but when we still didn't see any sign of humanity being present we started to lose hope. My shivering started coming back as Tom's body heat became too cool for me. I think he realized because he sat me down on the side of an alley way and stripped himself of his jacket.

"Y-you'll be f-freezing." I stuttered, feeling my lips cracking with every movement.

"Jordan I'm totally fine. But you on the other hand, look like you have something more than a cold." He said tossing the jacket around me with a questioning face.

"I-It's just a cold Tom. N-nothing big, I p-promise." Nodding his head as he took a seat next to me. "Sorry we weren't able to go to the good eating place..." he said.

I just nodded. My throat was sore words were a pain to get out.

"I saw a McDonald's a little further down. I know it's not the healthiest but I'm sure it's got to be a bit warmer." Tom said replying to my silence. I gave a slight smile and tried getting up. Before I could fall on my butt again Tom took me back into his warm arms and we headed off.

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