Cpt. 9 Tension

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A/N: Sorry about the delay... life and school sucks. also there may be grammatical errors because I did this while doing biology <3.


Jordan's POV

"This is why I hate travelling." I said under my breath. We'd arrived a few hours ago to the airport. We had gotten through security and we were now seated in the boarding room, both wearing some sweatpants and Tom's OG sweaters. If we didn't scream gay then the sweaters sure did, we looked like a matching couple. I'm not one for matching, but the thought of us both dressed in the same attire put a smile on my face.

"What? I love travelling!" Tom half shouted at me. Luckily it didn't seem to have many people going on this flight. He'd now turned his entire body to face me and folded his legs like a child. "Why don't you like it? It's fucking amazing."

"You enjoy this?" I said pointing around at the long lines waiting to go on flights and the people dead asleep in the room.

"Well that's just one part of travelling you sausage." He said with a smile as be turned to face the glass wall looking out at the planes. "What I love is the destinations. I love the experience of new places and their culture. Especially when I meet fans from different areas of the world. It's just an amazing feeling."

"I don't really hate it necessarily. I've always wanted to travel the world I just never have the time." That was true. I've only ever been to very few places and they were only for a couple of days because it was either for a convention or business. So I don't really get to enjoy it and explore things.

"Why won't you have time?" He was now turned back to face me.

"I have work to do Tom."

"So do I, but I vlog. I do it because I love sharing my experiences with people, and so far, they seem to be enjoying it." He smiled pulling out his phone and playing with it between his fingers. It wasn't just a smile of happiness, but accomplishment and gratitude. I guess you realize these things in other people when you share the same interests and become close to them.

"I do occasionally. I just don't get how someone makes everyday of their life interesting to share with the world." It's one of my biggest dreams to travel the world honestly. But I never have time nor do I want to be alone on such adventures. "I guess it's one of those things you want to do but will never be able to."

I received a friendly slap to my arm from my statement and I now sat clutching my arm."Don't say that! Jordan I'm sure one day you are going to be able to travel everywhere without a worry."

He was saying this with a genuine kindness and caring to his words. He hid this side of him, especially when in public, but I found him adorable when he actually showed it. I mean his kindness to be adorable. That he can be a tough, soulless man child but then be a loving caring gentleman. Qualities that a lot of people lack. It was rare.

I'd probably been staring, because when I was snapped back into reality all I saw a slight smirk on his lips as his eyes met mine, which quickly turned back to his normal soft expression looking out to the window. I turned and stayed focused on my fiddled hands. Should I even try to question myself anymore? That I think he's cute when flustered, when he lets a slight smile curl onto his lips or even when playing around like the child he is. That I blush into a cherry and butterflies form every time he turns on his phone to vlog us and I see the glow in his eyes. Maybe even how I basically have a fetish for not just his hazel brown eyes and neck muscles but a fetish for him.

Why was I really trying to hide these? They just hurt me, and I'm sure they did the same to him as well. I can see he feels something for me, he hasn't been hiding it especially recently. I know I feel something for him as well, I'm just scared.

Change ~ Syndisparklez Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang