um.. hey, it's been a while

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woah hi

Idk how many people are here still but hey I came back from a long long time of feeling lost, alone and fully not worth it and months stressing from studying.

But hey im done my O levels next week (just some multiple choice left) so im finally free (till I have A levels but shh)

I honestly wanna continue this book but man I feel like idek how to write anymore nor do I know where tf I was going with this plot (cuz my phone with the notes is brokennn)

Deadass if anyone would wanna help me with the storyline be my guest msg me. Also if u think I should try starting another story maybe??

Also any good suggestions for books, I've just been rereading sm past stories I loved.

And oml I miss all the friends id made here (hopefully friends) I wish I could get back in touch with them that'd be nice to catch up.

Anyways lovelies hope ur well and having ur breakfast and keeping ur mental health in check and living ur best life despite the hardships (cuz dw its still taking me time to reach there)

Much love ~Shan♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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