1k Syndisparklez Special

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Syndisparklez 1k ONE SHOT: Let him Know

This is a sad special 1k one shot for you all because yall are amazing and make me smile♡.

Comment where you cried, what made u almost cry, what gave you a certain feeling. Be it happiness, love or a sense of help♡ I'd love to know ALL the emotions you felt during this♡ Enjoy!!


○mentions of death
(So proceed with caution♡)


This wasn't a place I should be. Not this soon, not now. This wasn't something I wanted to happen. I was walking out of the entrance, holding back tears trying to be strong for her.

Her... The one who was right now running around with her friends. Including the boy that she claimed was gross but we knew that she liked him.

Poor child. She's so young. The affect of what happened hadn't even struck her yet. She was so innocent she didn't know sadness.

"Daddy, can I go to Joseph's house to play?" She said skipping towards me with the boy she was referring to right behind her. I looked down at both their hands held tightly by the other, with wide precious smiles on their faces.

"Of course you can hunny." I replied, stooping to their level smiling.

"Are you going to be okay Daddy?" She said tilting her head ever so slightly to the right. I saw a slight frown form on her lips. Dispite her age, her heart was just as caring as anyone else's.

"Yes Ems, you go play now." I answered as I rose from my position and nodded towards the boy's mother. With that her smile widened as she looked at the boy and they set running off into the direction of the car.

Almost everyone had left so I took the opportunity of heading back inside. Just to maybe remember him one more time. I smiled at everyone thanking them for coming, while I hid the tears and sadness in my expression. I finally let my face relax; my smile quickly dropping to a frown and my eyebrows furrowed questioning why this happened. I was paused in my tracks when Emily came in with something shiny in her hands. I turned to her with already glassy eyes.

"Let Dad know..." is all she said before slipping the small objects into my hands and heading back to where she came from.

I held the small objects tight in a fist. Not daring to look at them knowing the waterfall of tears that would follow if I did. I took my seat next to him, not allowing myself to look directly at him.

I began to think. Think about everything. How far we've come. The things we've accomplished that people told us were impossible. It was impossible for us to be more than friends. It was impossible for us to last. It was impossible for us to have a child.

But here we were. All of those doubts conquered. All of the mean comments, seen through. We proved them wrong. And the people who helped us, approved of us, accepted us. I was already feeling the tears that I promised I wouldn't shed dwelling in my eyes.

I went back to that day. It was after his surgery in the hospital. Emily and I were sitting outside in the waiting room; I checking the time every few moments while she played a game on her tablet.

From what I could tell she was reading a children's love story that she had since she got it. Tom and I were ecstatic to give her the thing she really wanted for her 6th birthday. She told us the first thing she wanted to do was read a story just like her dads'. We were both in tears from how happy she was. Tom a little more than me. He was always the one who wanted children, he'd convinced me into how beautiful it was. I am glad I agreed, she was definitely amazing .

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