A Fight in the Dark

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The fight was intense, the voidians were everywhere. I shot arrows from my bow in several directions to protect myself. 

"Abigail!" My partner Nick cried, I turned around and saw a voidian leaping off a rock to attack me. I pulled out my sword and stabbed it. It evaporated into black smoke when it hit the ground.

"Let's get out of here!" Nick cried fighting off another voidian. It's black charred limbs reaching out to grab him. He pushed it away but as he did, it slid it's fingers along his arm and hit his knee when it fell. The black fingers burned his skin for when a voidian touches an Elemental it burns them. It doesn't happen when another elemental touches another elemental but the void is the opposite of all elements. Pure darkness. Nick cried out and fell to his knees. 

"Nick!" I cried as I ran to him. His arm was burnt badly.  I lifted him up and began to run, fighting voidians as I went. We stumbled out of the forest to find a campsite with the coal from a fire still cooling. I ran along one of the tents, accidentally letting my foot drag along one. I wasn't worried about it, though, for humans can't see voidians or elementals.

 I hosted Nick up into a tree and climbed up just in time to see a girl with dirty blond hair come out of the tent and shine a flashlight at the footprints in the sand that we had left. Dang it! I forgot to wipe them out.  Nick moaned bringing my attention to him. "Hold still," I commanded as I pulled a white bandage out of my bag. But he pushed it away. " Not now, they're on our tail. We must get back to the city." I nodded and lifted him down to the ground and climbed down from the tree. I half dragged half carried Nick back to the portal that will take us to the main city of the earth element: Eldenwood, home of the elves. I pushed Nick through the portal then jumped in after him.

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