A Meeting on the Bridge

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I left the palace and went to my room. I changed out of my warrior suit and into my normal clothes. A long silver dress. I walked out and headed for the hospital to visit Nick. I found him sitting on one of the cots with his arm in a sling. He looked up at me when I approached.
" How's your arm?" I asked taking a seat beside him.
"It's okay. The doctor says that it will heal in a couple of days. Till
that, I have to rest and not go on any missions." He looked at me concerned.
"I will take the others. Besides, the king said that we needed extra help." I sat there for a second, then the nurse came and told me that I had to leave because Nick needed to have a check up. I got up and walked down the steps and out into the fresh air. I looked at the sundial that tells our time on top of the council house and hurried to the gardens. I walked along the bushes of flowers and followed the trail to the bridge that was half hidden by willows. As I walked I checked the garden for elves. Then seeing that it was clear I walked half way across the bridge and saw the prince start walking my way. We met at the center of the bridge and embraced. When we pulled away we looked at each other then kissed. Josh and I met one day in the middle of a battle. I basically saved his life. He was being attacked by voidians and I saved him by fighting off the voidians and dragging him to safety. We have been secretly meeting here ever since.
"I heard about today. Are you okay?" He examined me.
" Ya, I'm fine. It's Nick that got hurt." I said avoiding his gaze. I hated it when people felt like they needed to take care of me.
"So you now have no partner for a while." He looked at me with concern in his sharp blue eyes.
"I'll be fine. I can always find a new partner." I said trying to get him to relax.
"But not one I can trust to bring you back safely. Let me be your partner. Just until Nick gets better."
"Are you crazy? Your father will never agree to that and you don't have the training." I said to him. He folded his arms across his chest.
"Then let me choose your new partner. I don't want you to get hurt." He said his eyes softening.
"Fine. But make sure that they are trained and from my secration of soldiers." I sighed giving in. I hugged him again. We lead very dangerous lives so we never knew if this would be the last time we would meet here. I released him then turned and walked down the bridge. I looked back and saw his blond head disappear on the other side of the bridge in the direction of the place. His older brother Luke was next in line for the throne and pledged to marry the princess of the river elves. Their kingdom lies deeper in the forest near the river. Josh has not been betrothed yet so he doesn't have to make a choice between me or another girl. I ran back through the garden and to the eating hall where all the elves eat. Except for the royal family who eats in their own hall. I found all of my secration at one table and I slid in next to them. A server slid a bowl of soup in front of me and put a spoon beside it. I picked up the spoon and dipped it in the hot soup.
"How's Nick Abby?" My friend Hannah said chewing on a piece of bread. She was tall with dirty blond hair and blue-gray eyes.
"He's fairing well. He should be better by next week." I lifted the spoon to my lips and sipped.
"So, what's your next mission?" Hannah asked turning her body towards me. The other elves at our table laughed and talked paying no attention to our conversation.
"I am to go and find the pack of voidians that attacked us and kill them."
"Cool! Can I come?"Hannah asked excitedly. She doesn't get to fight voidians very often.
"Sure the king said that I would need some of you to help me. Can you pick out two more people to come?" I asked looking at the rest of the elves. There was John, Celia, Aidan, and Mimi to choose from.
"Sure! But who will be your partner for the mission." She asked knowing that Nick couldn't come.
"I am being assigned a new partner from our secration." I was pretty sure that Josh would choose either Aidan or Hannah for my new partner. I finished my soup and exited the hall as the lunch hour ended.

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