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I stumbled out if the portal into the woods in front of the city gate. The city of Eldenwood was made of stone. Moss grows in the cracks of the great city walls, and a long clear river runs through and around the city.  I grabbed Nick and hauled him to the gates, when we got there the maids sat him on a trolley and rolled him off to bind his arm. I stood tall and walked into the palace. The palace was a huge, stone building with bridges arching over the river. I walked in and the guards saluted at me. I approached the throne with king Arburan sitting on it. He raised his weary head.
"My lord." I bowed in respect.
" What is the report, Abigail?"
" When my partner and I got to the point of our land we found nothing out of ordinary. Until a large group of voidians attacked us and wounded my partner. We barely made it out in time. It was not normal to see a group of voidians that big together in one place."
"What were they doing there? We're they destroying the forest?" He asked
" Yes, what must we do?"
"Go, get some rest. Then, find the voidians and track them down."
"Yes, sir."
"Dismissed." He said and I turned and exited the room.

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