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I was standing beside the swirling purple portal waiting for Hannah to arrive with the other warriors and for my new partner. I didn't have to wait long for after five minutes Hannah came trudging out of the woods with John and Mimi following her. They were all in their warrior armor and had swords and knives in their holsters. John and I had bows while Mimi and Hannah used swords. 

"Should we leave now?" Hannah asked eager to start.

"Not yet. We are still waiting for one more person." Said then heard a loud rustling in the forest. I figured that it was my new partner. The footsteps got louder and louder as he got nearer. Man! This guy wouldn't be able to sneak up on a pack of drunken deaf dwarves walking that way. Then a guy with sandy blond hair came out of the trees. He looked up and I almost gasped. It was Josh! He looked at us then said: "I was assigned to Abigail to be her new partner." I was so shocked. I almost ran up to him and slapped him for doing something so foolish! But I couldn't if I did it would give away that we were in a relationship together. Instead, I walked up to him and greeted him politely.

"Your majesty," I said courteously slightly bowing " We are going to hunt down the pack of voidians that attacked my partner and I and kill them. Are you trained with a weapon?" I was making sure he knew how to fight so he didn't get hurt.

"Yes, with a sword." He said " Who are my fellow comrades? " Josh turned to the others who stood open mouthed staring at my new partner.

"This is Hannah, John, and Mimi. They are from my secration of soldiers." I said introducing my friends. There was silence for a second and then I moved towards the portal.

"We should get going if we want to be back before dark." Then I jumped through the portal and felt the familiar tingle in my body as I transported from our realm to the realm of humans.

I jumped out of the portal and Josh came tumbling after. He got up and looked at me. I glared at him but then immediately stopped because Hannah jumped out and John and Mimi came after. I would have to talk to him tonight when we meet. 

I began to walk towards the last place we saw the voidians. We got there and saw that most of the trees were burned black and dead. This meant that the voidians had recently visited here because the burns were fresh. We began to use our powers to restore the trees. Josh hadn't been taught how to use his healing magic because he never needed too, so I quickly taught him. Luckily he was a quick learner. After helping him I moved on and healed the rest of the trees. Then we followed the track of withered grass that Mimi picked up and it lead us into a clearing. We entered the clearing then stopped because the tracks stopped. They disappeared but I didn't  see a portal that allows them to go back to the void. I smelt something vile in the air and grabbed and loaded my bow. I turned around but saw nothing. The without warning a voidian jumped at me. I shot an arrow at him and he disintegrated into ash then was blown away by the wind. Voidians began to pour out of the woods they surrounded us and started to close in on us. Then he stepped out. The voidian king. The most dreaded voidian. One touch and half your body die. I raised my bow and shot at the nearest voidian. Then they lunged. I grabbed my sword and started to kill voidians. I sword clashed with other weapons. Axes, swords, and clubs were swung at us. The king was atop a black horse that was made of void. Its eyes were all black and it had black teeth. The king plowed through the voidians and came towards me. He swung his mace at me I blocked it with my sword. Then I charged at his horse and took off its legs. The horse fell to the ground and the king landed on the ground. He was clothed in all black with a ghastly face. He had a crown of black thorns on his head and his face had hollowed in cheeks and white eyes. The feature none of the other voidians had. They just had black holes as eyes and always had an open mouth like they were screaming.

He dropped his mace and pulled out a huge sword. I stood in my proper stance waiting for the first blow. He swung and I blocked it, our swords clanged together black against white. A voidian came up behind me and Hannah killed it then ran off to help John. I looked back to make sure that no other voidians were coming at me then turned around. But I was too late. The king had taken advantage of my distraction and when I turned around he brought his sword down I tried to block it but it still hit my leg. I felt searing pain in my leg and fell to the ground with a cry. The king reached out and grabbed my arm. His hand burned through my arm and I kicked him away. He dropped his sword and Mimi attacked. A voidian from behind jumped on me and pulled me further onto the ground, we rolled around until I got him to release me by stabbing him with my dagger. I tried to get up but I couldn't I was too badly burned. I heard a shriek and I turned my head to see the king disappear into the forest with the remaining voidians following him. I looked the other way and saw Josh killing the last voidian on the field. Then Hannah ran up to me followed by John.

"Oh my gosh! Abby are you okay?" She said looking at my wounds. 

"Ya," I said trying to get up but pain shot through my body and I collapsed onto the ground again.

"John, can you carry her?" She asked and John wrapped his arms around me and tried to lift me. I got about an inch off the ground and he had to put me down. John wasn't very strong so he couldn't carry me.  Then I saw Josh come up and wrap his arms around me. he lifted me up with ease and started walking. Hannah, Mimi, and John sheepishly followed us and we walked back to the portal. I was in so much pain that when we got to the last place we saw the voidians I fell unconscious in Josh's arms.  

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