Let Me Tell You Everything

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I've been reading and reading and reading some more. When I first got on here, I was so eager to read all the stories. But then I realized there were more errors than there were writers.

Father, forgive me, for I am about to sin! (Drusilla moment here from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

So this rant I'm dedicating to S-Hawk because she gave some good points that I will elaborate on.

The following being the points:

Extremely long author's notes. (Starfire84's point)

And Synopsis (summaries of the stories) (My point)

Speaking of authors notes, I have beef with that. I cannot tell you how fucking annoyed I get when I see an author's note that is longer than the actual story. No one really cares that you had a hot dog for lunch or your whole life story as to why you haven't uploaded in a while. Just say something brief like you've been busy and say you're sorry then get on with the story.

Now, I know I'm being a slight hypocrite here because I have one or two really long author's note. However, I feel really bad about it every time. But it's usually information about the actual story, not MY entire life story.

Anyway, for those of you that are new writers, or even writers that do this, a piece of advice: please don't. Something brief will do just fine.

Speaking of whole life stories, this brings me to my second point. Summaries for your story....If your summary tells the reader EVERY little detail about the story, it's too long. It should be anywhere from 3 to about 6 sentences long and leave a little mystery. It's supposed to draw people in.

However, when you give a play by play in the summary, you ruin the real thing. I already know exactly what's going to happen so why should I waste my time reading it?

I also hate when I'm reading a novel and there IS NO summary. You kinda need one because sometimes your title doesn't even give a clue as to what the story's about. I'm not going to click on a story that has no summary.

So, I hope I didn't sound quite as bitchy this time and if I did, oh well. This is my honest opinion.

Until next time :) 

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