Connect the Dots

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Hello again! Back again for some more ranting air time...

Today, we shall connect the dots, and hopefully make a clearer picture :)., two things that I have thought about and don't think I've mentioned.


And once again authors' notes.

Worthy of mentioning, but not actually ranting about it: Every story generally follows a central idea with ideas that branch out. However, you can't have any loose ends at the end UNLESS you are planning on writing a sequel. Then leave one or two lose ends so you have something to pick up on when you go to write your sequel.

I was reading a novel the other day, (not Wattpad) and I thrive on finding editing mistakes. A published novel is not supposed to have more than a few errors that most people have to really look for. The one I found was from a romance novel, so yes it involves sexual content.

Anyway, the mistake I caught was that the girl had already taken off her pants...then two pages later they were magically back on again and they were once again coming off. There was no saying "She put her pants on" or anything, they were just there. I have NO idea how anyone didn’t catch that BUT try to avoid mistakes like that.

It's sloppy and makes you look a fool. Lol. I laughed and pointed it out to my sister....who then said I had no life if I was pointing out mistakes in books. lol (kiddingly of course)

Partially true BUT....I love English so that's bound to happen.

Next thing. Let me tell ya sistah, author's notes in the middle of the novel bother me. I'll be reading then out of nowhere I'll be reading one of several things:

1) Trevor stared after her departing figure, wishing she would come back, praying to the Goddess Hekate that she would. (A/N: I was thinking about stopping there but I chose not to :P)

The next day found Trevor surrounded by empty bottles of vodka, Patron, beer and other alcohol. He stunk and was an utter mess.



2) Blah, blah, blah, blah....some high school drama....go home and do typical teenager stuff.... (A/N: This is my fave song/band/movie/TV show etc)  ejnflakjdarbfpo asdj fjv TO BE CONTINUED....


3) Melissa sat next to Andre on the couch, wishing that she had the courage to snuggle up closer. But he had no interest in her like that so she was forced to watch the screen all by her lonesome. The longer she watched A Torture Like No Other the more she realized it applied to her situation with Andre. (A/N: The movie is not real I made it up)

OH MY EFFING SWEET POTATOES!!!!!!! Not only do you make yourself look a fool, no one really cares about that while they are reading. If you want to explain all of that, there is the option of the before and after author's notes. I highly doubt that anyone is going to look up your “pretend” movie in the middle of reading your chapter.

Damn y'all give me headaches.

Now, as a suggestion read a rant or two before you start writing, that way, you have an idea of how to structure your stories. Many of the rants are the true thoughts of many readers and writers.

This means that we’re not just pulling this info out of our asses to have something to write about or gain comments, votes or fans. So don’t discount it before you read it.

Oh and while I'm at it....ignorance of readers.

I've read those club discussion and the comments of the authors I've fanned. Really people? Like, seriously?

I know several writers, be they boyxboy, girlxboy, alienxhuman writers that mention things that are controversial. Things like the Illuminati, the theory of Evolution, religious point of views, homosexuality and more. But they generally explain about it. And they probably don't participate in some of those topics.

Their Muse, imagination, whatever the heck you want to call it, is usually what controls what they write. Inspiration is a sacred thing, and you're going to taint it with stupidity and intolerance?

I mean are you really going to be THAT close minded and judge someone just because they are different than you are in the slightest? Because they don't write exactly what you want to read? They don't fill out YOUR effing expectations? It's NOT about you. It's about the writer and the art they want to share with you.

This breeds more ignorance and intolerance. These are the people that cause many of the problems today. That's just effed up.

Now, I don't consider myself a peace advocate or anything, but really? Knowledge is power and that ain't no lie folks (and sorry for the colloquial, but what can I say I’m from the South lol). The more you know, the less you'll find yourself in situations caused by ignorance. Hell, I've been there, done that and wish I'd had the knowledge before hand. Saves A LOT of unnecessary negative backlash.

Until next time :)

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