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I ran downstairs, my sisters packing almost the whole kitchen, “Sam, Riley! Could you move faster?” My mother, Vanessa, said in a hurry.

We all heard a growl come from upstairs where Dad and Jaden were, our hearts started beating so loud, scared for our loved ones.

we heard a scream coming from upstairs with a shout following it, “Dad! No!” My brother screamed

“Jeff! Jaden!” My mother yelled and then we heard dad yell back at us, “Run! Run!!” My brother, Jaden came running down, crying his young heart out.

I ran over to him, hugging him and getting him in the car, after we all got in the car we witnessed the most horrific thing we could ever imagine.

Dads skin was slowly tearing itself apart, cracking slowly like dry lands and instead came out brown-black fur and sharp claws, teeth sharper than razors with red beady eyes.

It stared at us, and we stared back, too shocked and somewhat scared to move or do anything, this wasn’t dad anymore...

This was a monster, a Kateela.

My mother hurried out of our drive way and drove away, away from our life as we now it and away from home...

I looked out the window, I couldn’t face anyone right now, watching my dad’s face as it split into two and a Kateela replacing him was hard on me, and on everyone too.

When you transform, it means that the human in you is dead and a Kateela takes over you.

My little brother scooted closer to me and hugged me, crying on my shoulder.

He was only 14, he was way too young to watch this kind of stuff happening...

I looked at my two sisters; they were only one year apart, still very different in their own special ways. Sam was frozen in here seat unmoving while Riley was sobbing in her hands.

And then I looked at mum, she was crying silently while driving, her dark hair fell up to her shoulders and her fragile body looking tense and rock solid from trying to hold back the tears.

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