A New Family

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Chapter two:

I went inside a fairly big room after Robbie and Lillian; it had a small group of people talking away.

“Everyone please welcome the new girl Rymi!!” Lillian squealed as everyone was staring at me intently.

“We should have ‘er checked out.” One of the guys said in a deep voice, he had jet black hair going towards his face and grey-green eyes and a bit of a beard growing.

“I’m not infected.” I say.

“How do you know that?” He challenges me.

“Obviously, if someone is infected it takes about 5 to 10 minutes for them to transform into a Kateela. I’ve been here with Robbie and Lillian for almost 15 minutes.” I say looking at him, raising my eyebrows.

“She’s right. Welcome Rymi, I’m George and this big guy here is Eddie” He said pointing to the guy that challenged me.

I smiled at George, he had chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes, he seems nice and I think I’ll get along with him best.

“Hey, I’m Brittany, Brit for short. I’m so glad there’s another girl with me here, aside from Lilly cause she loves talking about shoes, and I hope you’re not obsessed with fashion too.” She said, she had dirty blonde hair and electric blue eyes

“You’re lucky I’m not.” I say with a smile before adding, “And nice to meet you.”

I sat down beside Brit as George said “Kyle and Jack are somewhere in this cave right now, you’ll meet them later.”

I nodded as Brittany started telling me about how they all met each other, apparently Robbie has planned this a while ago and had everything sorted out.

I wondered about the sketched on the corridor walls, maybe Robbie had something to do with it all?

“Hey, Brit?” I say as she finishes the story of how a snake killed her hamster when she was 8, “Yeah?”

“Do you know anything about those drawings outside on the walls?” I ask somewhat hopeful

“Oh yeah, those, I don’t know for sure, ask Robbie he would know.” She said with a smile before turning to George and starting up a conversation.

That girl never seems to shut up.

Hiding from the Light..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن