Goodbye, Mother.

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Mum was sitting on a couch, head in her hands in a random house we went in to.

“Mum, do you think we’ll survive this?” I ask in a hushed tone, my eyes watering.

“Of course, sweets, maybe I won’t but you sure will. You will find your brother and Sam and Riley because I believe that they are  out there doing their best to survive!” she said in an encouraging matter, she always knew the right thing to say and that’s one of the many reasons I love her.

We heard an unusual growl right outside, my mother looked at me with fear stricken eyes.....

Chapter 1:

Goodbye, Mother.

My mum pushed me out the door, handing me an umbrella and hugged me for the last time

“You, be careful, okay? Don’t go out in the sun, never ever do that!” she cried on my shoulder, “I love you, sweetie.”

“I love you too, mum, and I’ll never forget you.” I cried as I turned away and ran as fast as I can, not wanting to witness the transformation of my own mother.

After a couple of hours, I found a tree and sat under it, hugging my knees to my chest and crying over everything that has happened in the past 2 days.

My two sisters went missing; my brother had a chance to leave and my parents…

They didn’t survive.

I feel alone, like a little mouse in a world full of cats...

I am the only one of my kind now; I didn’t see any source of human life, besides my family, in over 6 months.

After sobbing for a couple of minutes, I remembered what my mum used to tell me every time I cry

“Lift your head up, Princess. Your tiara is falling.”

I lifted my head up, staring at the sky, it’s almost sun rise and I haven’t got a shelter to stay in during day time.

I looked around the meadow I was in, not much things but I spotted a barn and a little hut not far off so I took the challenge.

I ran over there with all my might, racing the sun, its rays were about to touch me but I got my umbrella.

I knocked on the door, and an elderly man opened smiling at me.

“Sir, please you have to help me! The sun is coming up!” I say pleading him to let me in.

“Alright, young lady, you don’t look infected.” He smiled and let me in; the small household was the kind you’d see in movies.

Floral couches and curtains, everything old and vintage... which made me realize

Why should I trust that old man?

I spun around, my hair wiping around with me, and looked at the man with my hazel narrowed eyes.

“Aaaah, finally come to your senses?” he said with a chuckle, “You shouldn’t have come knocking on random doors and asking them for shelter, for all you know I might be a serial killer or maybe even... infected?” he said laughing again, I was a bit scared, I had to admit it.

“But not to worry, gal, I’m just fine” He said with a kind smile, a younger woman came in and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his cheek.

She looked to be around in her mid-20’s.

“Good Morning!!” he smiled at her and replied

“OH! I didn’t see you, sorry, is she the newest one?” she said the first part to me but then turned to the man whom I learned was Mr. Robbie Patterson and said the last part.

“Hi, I’m Rymi and what do you mean by new here?” I ask growing curious, does that mean there are more humans?

That we are not the only people who didn’t get infected by the sun?

“Yeah, there are George, Kyle, Brittany..” She was cut off by Robbie saying

“That’s enough, Lillian, you don’t have to name them all” He smiled at me and led me to an underground basement and when he noticed I’m hesitating he pushed me in, literally.

I screamed and landed face first on a concrete like floor, I got up and rubbed my cheek.

I better not get a bruise.

I growled at Robbie as he laughed with Lilly and started walking ahead of me not caring to help me up...

“Hurry up you don’t want to hold us back!”

“It’s not like you’re actually waiting for me!” I retorted, frowning and getting up.

I dusted my jeans and jumper and jogged to catch up with them, I looked around the cave like walls, ancient drawings in a rectangular never ending line.

I studied the drawings; they seemed like mere fairytales 8 year olds dream every night about.

But something was different; I had a wary feeling about these cave-man drawings...

Like it wasn’t just a simple drawing, like it was something much more...

I looked ahead as Robbie called my name, he came closer smiling softly at the drawings as if remembering something..

“Beauty, aren’t they?” he said, I nodded and said, “What do they mean?”

“One sketch speaks a million words.” And with that he ushered for me to come as he left.


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