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Chapter Four: 


I came across the sketching again, I stopped and looked at them.. Maybe they are like, a code or something?

I think Robbie mentioned them being Egyptian?

But what are they supposed to mean?

Everytime I ask Robbie, something interupptes us.. Maybe I could draw them on a piece of paper and then try to read them?

Yeah, I’ll do that to pass time..

I walked pass the drawings, and into the B corridor, B stands for Bedrooms, as you can already tell we –they- like to shorten everything. Everything.

I walked over to room 194, floor 5, Robbie has 200 rooms here and he thought that the first people get that furthest.. I don’t know why.

When you enter the B corridor, you are welcomed by a hallway that allows two people to walk next to each other with ease, rooms on the right and left side, numbered of course.

The B corridor goes around the whole UC which is pretty big, every five rooms is a door that opens to the Grand Hall which is where everything is.

It is big, probably fits 200 and more. It has tables and chairs and a small stage for when we want to make announcements, of course when the UC is full it will be too loud but we don’t need the stage now.

I walk in the Grand Hall and go to the door that’s closest to my room. T. The doors are alphabetical, there are 20 doors that open to the grand hall.

Ours is T. the last one.

I enter my room, it is just rock walls and a rock bed, above ground surface, and a blanket with a pillow.

There is also a cupboard, where I keep my small amount of clothes and personal stuff.

I got my sketch pad, my father gave it to me for my 15th birthday and I never used it, I have never been the artist in my family but I am thankful for it now.

I jogged back to  where the drawings began, the intrance, I saw the first sketch..

The first one was a a circle under a thin line, with many arrows going down on the line, never touching the circle.

Like the line is protecting the circle from the arrows..

The second was a big circle, like the Grand Hall, with a medium head? In the middle that is surrounded by more heads.

Third is a weird creature, that looks very much like a Kateela.. Wait..

These are warnings..

Protection, UC, big room with a circle in the middle, Grand Hall and Robbie!

And the Kateelas..

I looked at the fourth drawing, hoping that I can find a way to maybe cure this?

Since, apparently, the Egyptians knew about it they must have found a cure!

The fourth drawing is what looked like a small hill? Maybe a curved rock..? anyway, a sword was in the middle.

Like, that ancient sword I once heard our history teacher talking about..

I should have paid attention!

What I am guessing is that this is the sword that can kill them ?

But guns do the trick as well, maybe in the old days they didn’t have guns..

But I’ll sick with that thought. It kills them.

Fifth one had me thinking... It’s a star.

A plain star.

Nothing more, nothing less...

Maybe it indicates night? But it would be a crescendo if it indicates night.

Maybe because the infection is when the sun is out, the cure is at night?

Still makes no sense to me, maybe Robbie could help..

And just then, all of them come down the ladder that leads to the interance and greet me, apparently they saved three more people, two girls and a guy.

My mouth drops open as I take in the two brunettes, and my heart stops beating for a second...

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