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Aries - *looks at all the stuff they need to do* *heavy sigh*

Taurus - doesn't procrastinate often, but when they do, it's hardcore

Gemini - starts a billion projects they can't finish, and procrastinates on finishing them until the day they die.

Cancer - procrastinates reasonably

Leo - *looks down on people who procrastinate* *procrastinates themselves*

Virgo - actually doesn't procrastinate

Libra - *tries their hardest to finish everything on time*

Scorpio - doesn't even care anymore

Sagittarius - procrastination is like their middle name

Capricorn - tries not to procrastinate, but ends up doing everything last minute

Aquarius - is too busy to even care about work

Pisces - *yeah I'll be fine!* *a week later: THAT WAS DUE??*

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