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Aries - Don't let others make you see the world their way. You are entitled to your own perspective.

Taurus - Don't ever change yourself for someone else. People should always get to know the real you.

Gemini - Don't let others opinions get to your head. You are perfect just the way you are.

Cancer - Don't ever pretend to be someone your not to impress someone. People should like you for you.

Leo - Don't be insecure because you are amazing and beautiful.

Virgo - Don't let others take advantage of you. You are too great to let others do that to you.

Libra - Don't talk down to yourself because you are magnificent and wonderful.

Scorpio - Don't let others change you to be how they think you should be, you are unique. They shouldn't push you to be something you're not.

Sagittarius - Don't ever doubt yourself. Courage takes a lot of strength but I know you have it.

Capricorn - Don't ever give up because you're too sting to do that. Keep going and you'll get there.

Aquarius - Don't dumb yourself down. You should always try your best.

Pisces - Don't think you're too emotional. It's okay to let your emotions show. It shows that you're human.

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