the end

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Hi everyone,

I know I haven't been really active lately and I'm sorry for that! But I can't think of more topics and figured I had already done most of them. So that is why I was actually thinking of ending the book. I'm really frustrated, because I want to continue, but just don't know how to. So I came to the solution that it would be best to complete the book.

But... I do plan on starting something new. Maybe it will be a new Zodiac book. It obviously will be different from this one then. Or maybe something else. I haven't really figured everything out yet, but I'm getting there.

I really want to thank everyone who has supported me, took their time to read this book and has been there along the way! It really meant a lot to me. Especially at the beginning of the book when someone commented or voted on a chapter, it just made my day (it still does by the way).

Anyway, this isn't goodbye!


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