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Fire (aries, leo, sagittarius): Fire isn't just limitless energy that gives and gives, these signs are not the joyous, endlessly outgoing people they're portrayed to be. Fire is also the element of destruction, hunger and pain. Fire signs are not just happy go lucky kids, they're hungry, determined and not to be reckoned with.

Earth (taurus, virgo, capricorn): Earth is the element of support and cold strength but without the proper care and attention Earth becomes lifeless, unstable to create and maintain the way these signs are meant to. Earth signs need interaction, attention and care the same as all other elements to stay strong as they are.

Air (gemini, libra, aquarius): Air is known for its focus on the mental and avoidance of emotion but these are not the mechanical people they're often portrayed as. Air signs need to interact with others, to speak and communicate about all things, including emotions. Connection with others is always the key to this element. They are warm and open, not cold or inhuman.

Water (cancer, scorpio, pisces): Emotional is the word that comes to mind when most people think about the water signs, but we often misinterpret emotional for sad or weak. Water signs feel their every emotion; rage, joy, etc. But they feel them all, as if it were a tidal wave. They are in touch with their true selves and there is nothing more powerful then that.

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