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A yawn escapes my lips as I turn around in my bed, yanking my coves up more to snuggle into them. When I sleep, I’m the least bit attractive. I turn every which way and flop around like a fish, my hair is frizzy, and my face looks like a relaxed lizard. It’s not pretty.

To check what time it is, I shoot a hand out over my nigh stand, reaching for my phone. I crack my eyes open, blinking a few times to adjust. I don’t have my contacts in, nor my glasses on so it’s a bit blurry.


Another yawn exits my lips and I run a hand over my knotty bed head. My eyes land on something in the corner of my room, sitting at my desk, grinning sheepishly at me. I sit straight up, eyes wide. “Holy Jesus!” I shriek, calming my pounding heart. “You scared me!”

“Sorry,” He apologizes. “I came in here to wake you up…realized you looked too cute to wake up…so I started snooping around your room instead.” He holds up a picture of us when we were ten during Halloween. We went as Jesse and Woody from Toy Story. “You still have this?”

I stretch my arms out, yawning. “Yeah. I got a ton more, too.” I take my covers off, heading over to him. “And I don’t look cute when I sleep. I drool, I talk, I toss and turn, that’s anything but cute.”

“It’s cute to me,” He murmurs, picking up another picture of us. He’s kissing my cheek, and I was caught off guard. My mom probably snapped it when we weren’t looking. “Wow. I haven’t seen this picture in a while.”

“It’s my favorite,” I murmur. 

He grins, reaching out to grab my waist and pull me down on his lap. He reaches up and kisses me. I slide more fully down on his lap so we’re about the same height. Scene pulls his head out of the kiss, sighing happily. “I’m so glad I can do that now.”

“Me too,” I agree.

“Every time I saw you with Jake I wanted to rip you away from him…” He trails off. “I hated it.”

“Angelica’s no prize either…”

A rumbling chuckle escapes his lips when he presses them to my cheek. “Jealous?”

I smirk, hoisting myself off his lap. He looks a little pained when I do that. I dance over to my bathroom. “Not really,” I sing song, taking out my contact lenses case to put them in.

After a moment of quiet shuffling, he wonders into my bathroom with a not so happy look on his face. “That wasn’t nice.”

I shrug. “Never said I was.” I go to pick up one of my contacts, but Scene makes a noise and swipes the case away from me. “Scene!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do we have here?” He sings, inspecting the tiny case. “I was wondering where those glasses went.”

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