At the Hospital

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They made it to the hospital and rushed Jody into ICU.

Tyler held her hands all the way to the emergency room.

"Lad you'll have to let go of your girlfriend hands she going into surgery."

"Okay. She's not my girlfriend!" he exclaims.

Mai lee waited with Carmen, Ryan and Tyler in the waiting room.

"I hope Jody is okay. For her sake, my sake and Tyler's sake. I've never seen him so worried in my life," Carmen says.

"I know. His so worried his working up a serious sweat," Ryan says shaking head slowly.

They stayed in the waiting room for over three hours until the doctor came out of the operating room.

Everyone stood up and looked at the doctor straight in the eye.

"Well....... She was shot with a handgun and it smashed through her stomach and was lodged in her spine.
We got it out and she is stabilized. If you want to see you can now."

"Yeah we would like to see her," Tyler says quickly.

"Yeah! Let's go see Jody," Mai lee says leading the way to the recovery room.

They surrounded Jody and Tyler sat down by here and took her hand.

"Jody........if you can hear me squeeze hand."

He looked at her hand in his. It didn't move. He looked to the ground disappointed. Mai lee and Ryan placed their hands on his shoulder.

"Come on then. Let's go home."

They walked outside of the room. But Tyler was still holding her hand.

"Jods I wish I could stay with you. Get better.... please. For all of us. And especially for me...."

He sighed and went to meet the others at the door.

Mike met them in the parking lot.

"How is she?" he asks worriedly. His face was all sweaty and red.

"The doctor says that she is stable. She'll be fine," Mai lee says reassuringly.

"Good, good. Um. Guys I think the twins saw who shot Jody. And you'll never guess who they described................................"

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