Jealousy Pt.2 (Hospital Drama)

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At Ashtien Ridge.................

"Mike we met Jody today in the pizzeria we usually go to. She's going back to the hospital."

"What?! You met her."

"Yes but we didn't talk for long when she fell to the floor. Tyler took her to the hospital and called the lady in charge of the care home they were staying in."

Mike held his head he could go and talk to Jody because he will be jeopardizing her life.

What was going to happen.............

At the hospital......................

"Tyler what happened?" Ruth asks him.

"We were at the restaurant. Jody got up to go to the bathroom room. Then I just saw her fall to the floor. I ran up to her and asked her what's wrong. All she said was that her legs were shaking uncontrollably and her back was hurting her."

"Okay. I make sure the doctor knows. Thanks," Ruth says and ran into the ICU behind the doctor.

Just then Lola came rushing through the door.

"Tyler! Is Jody okay?" Lola asks seemingly worriedly.

"I don't know yet. I guess the doctor will let us know," Tyler says worriedly.

After an hour the doctor came out to Ruth, Tyler and Lola.

"Jody is going to be okay. A nerve in her back got damaged. It went unnoticed until she began to walk. She recovered quickly. Too quickly in fact. That's when the damaged nerve began acting up. It explains the leg spasms. She will be fine with a few more days of therapy."

"Thank goodness," Ruth says clasping her hands.

"She will be released in a few hours. I want to observe her. You'll are welcome to stay."

"Can we go in and talk to Jody?" Tyler asks the doctor.

"Sure," the doctor says.

Tyler rushes in.

"Jody, I'm so glad you're okay," Tyler says gripping Jody's hand while Lola grimly looked on.

"Tyler. You so over dramatic. I guess I pushed myself to hard. That's why my back freaked."

"Yeah. You recovered quickly. But your back was under to much stress because it wasn't fully healed."

"Listen. Tyler it has been weeks since me and you just hang out. So went I get out of here want to grab a bite and head to the park."

That made Lola furious. How dare she say that in front of her.

"Sure," Tyler says smiling.

Lola was mad.

"Tyler bae, can I take to you for a moment," Lola asks pulling him out of the room.

"Jody can't ask you to hang alone. We are all friends. You and I just happened to be intimate friends."

She smiled loosely.

"So. Me and Jody are best friends. We've been friends way before I met you," Tyler says.

At that Lola's smile turned into a frown.

"Well I said no! Deal with it!" she exclaims. Then her faced speed into a smile.

"Go to the bathroom. I need to have s little chat with Jody," Lola says evilly.

Tyler obeyed reluctantly. Still in a state of shock.

Lola continued smiling evilly and walked back into Jody's room.

"Jody. We need to talk."

She suddenly grabs Jody's face and snuck her nails into Jody's skin.

"You stay the hell away from Tyler! How dare you say what you said in front of me. Me and Tyler are together. Weather you like it or not!"

Jody was shaking. She was so scared she couldn't speak. She just stared at Lola.

"What do you have to say. Say it!" Lola screams

Jody lips quivered but she didn't answer Lola.

"Mmmph. Thought so."

Lola walked out of the room.

What she didn't know is that Ruth heard the whole thing and was dismayed.

A few hours later Tyler, Jody and Lola was heading home.

Lola was cuddling Tyler and Jody was in the front with Jody.

"Jody. I heard Lola today," Ruth whispers to Jody.

"You did?" Jody whispers back.

"I have a plan to make Tyler break up with her," Ruth says to Jody.

"I don't think it's necessary. I suspect Tyler knows what type of person Lola really is. He won't need any help with the break up part."

Ruth nods. Jody shivers. Lola was jealous all along. But it finally consumed her. This is going to start an entire new chapter.

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