And then Things Change Pt.2

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Three days after their arrival at the Ruthina Care home Jody's went to begin a therapy to walk straight again.

The office wasn't to far from the care home.

She went with Tyler and Lola decided to tag along.

They arrived at the office early. Jody had 4 hours a headache of her.

A nurse came up to them.

"Hello. The therapy room is this way," she says to them.

They walked up the hall to a large room.

The nurse opened the door and put her hand in front of Tyler and Lola.

"You two can't come with Jody. She must recover on her own."

"What!!" everyone shouts in unison.

"Yes. She must learn to heal in her own. First rule in therapeutic care."

"But I can't go alone I need my best friend with me," Jody begs.

"Sorry kid. No can do," the nurse says.

Jody nodded and followed her into the room. When the door clears Tyler says, "Good luck Jods."

"Chers Ty," she answers.

Jody follows the nurse.

"Wait here the doctor will be with you in a few minutes," the nurse instructs.

Jody waited and soon a lady with dark brown hair and green eyes came out of the other room. She was very tall.

"Hi Jody. You will be spending the next four hours here. The first thing we will do is take a refreshing mineral bath. It will strengthen your you muscles and bones."

Meanwhile at Ashtien Ridge.............


The scream could be heard all through out the house.

Tee came stomping through the kitchen to the outside.

"Moe! What were you doing in my room. It's totally trashed!" Tee screams.

"S-sorry I was J-just looking for old painting so t can use for my invention."

"Well. You should have asked me first before you trashed my room!" tee exclaims as she stood upstairs.

"Oh. And come and clean my room!"
she shouts back.

Moe just lowered his head.

Kazima walked up to Tee.

"You shouldn't have been so hard on him. I think you should apologize."

With that she walked away.

Those words struck tee and she smiled and went downstairs towards Moe.

"Moe? I sorry I shouted earlier. I'll help you clean my room. Okay. Friends?"

Moe looked at here and then smiled.

He shook her hands.

"Come on."

They went up to her room together.

Little did tee know Ryan saw the whole thing and was fascinated.

Back at the Doctor's office................

Tyler was waiting patiently outside with Lola.

"Tyler. If you working stop. She is going to be fine," Lola says giving Tyler a peck on the sidelines his MOUTH!

Tyler smiled and hugged Lola.

"Lola I'm so glad you. You're a great friend."

"Friend?" Lola questions with one brow up.

"Fine then."

He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. It was long and passionate. After a few seconds they separated.

"Wow. Tyler you're a great kisser." Lola remarks slowly opening her eyes.

Tyler had a big smile on his face.

After a few more hours Jody came out.

"Hey guys," Jody says wheeling herself out of the room.

"Jody! You're out!" Lola exclaims.

"Yeah. How do you feel?" Tyler asks curiously.

"Great. I feel that I could walk a mile. But I can't yet. I did a few steps without the support poles. That mineral bath did strengthen me."

"Glad you are feeling better Jody," Tyler says giving her a really long hug.

Lola frowned a bit.

They left soon after to go back to the care home.

When they arrived Jody wheeled herself inside but Lola and Tyler stooped.

"Come on guys."

"Go in ahead Jody we'll catch up," Lola says innocently.

Jody nodded and continued her way to the elevator.

"So. Tyler. That was some kiss Huh?"

"Yeah. So are we a couple then?" Lola asked hopefully.

"Sure," Tyler says leaning forward and giving her a peck on the mouth.

They walked inside hand in hand.

Smiling and hugging....................

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