After the Fact

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Carmen heard the commotion and ran out of the store.

That's when she saw them carrying
Tee and Ryan out.

She ducked she saw all the faces.

She called 999.

"Hello. What's your emergency?" a man asks over the line.

"Yes. I am in the Eastfield Mall. My friends has just been abducted."

"Can you describe the person?"

"I can do better than that I can tell you his name. His name is Kingsley Jackson. He abducted Tee Taylor and Ryan Reeves."

"Okay stay put. We're butting a police tail on him now. I am sending some detectives to pick, you up."

Carmen shakily.

Soon officers were swarming the mall.

They took Carmen and Harry back home.

When they arrived everyone swam around them.

Bailey ran up to Carmen and hugged her.

"I'm glad you're okay," he says.

Mike rushed Jody to her.

"What happened?"

"Well I went to the mall with Tee, Harry and Ryan. Tee and Ryan head to the food court while Harry was still in the shack. I heard a gun shot followed by another. I ran out of the shop I was in. And that's when I saw Kingsley and two men following him with Ryan and Tee in there arms bleeding and nocked out."

Everyone was silent tears was filing there eyes

"Mike we have to do something. I lost two of my friends to that monster I can't loose another."

With that she ran upstairs.

Carmen cried do much all her make up ran.

"Oh Tee please be okay."

Bailey came into her room.

He sat down by here and she fell into his arms.

"It's going to be okay. The police will find them-"

"The police? It has been 1 and a half months since Kingsley shot Jody. And they don't even know where the hell he is!"

"They need some more time."

"Time. Well I'm tired of waiting."

Carmen says to and went to her phone.

She tapped furiously on her screen.

"What are you doing," Bailey asks curiously.

"Hacking. Well trying too."

"What? You can?" Bailey asks confused.

"Well not well on a phone but I can on a computer. Come with me we are going to and internet cafe."

With that she took his hand and left the room.

They headed to the front.

Carmen decided to take a taxi that way they could be noticed.

The hunt began............

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