The Hunt Begins

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Carmen and Bailey were in the internet cafe.

She was looking for secret footage of Kingsley sightings.

Since was and escaped prisoner the police but out a search for him. And anyone who saw him.

"I found something. Some cameras picked him up going into an abandoned hotel."

"Well we're is it then?" Bailey asks Carmen.

"On the other side of town."

"How are we going to get there?" Bailey asks.

"I know a friend," Carmen says taking out her phone.

"Hello Carmen?" a voice asks excitedly on the other end.

"Diana. I need you to give me a ride across town. Come pick me up at the internet cafe I'm the Eastfield mall."


"Who is Diana?" Bailey asks wanting to know.

"She is my friend from a long time ago. Every time I don't want to take the train or the bus. I call her."

Bailey nodded.

Carmen and Bailey walked outside. Soon Diana pulled up in a car.

"Hope in. And you better tell me what this is all about."

"Well my friends has been captured. Tee Taylor and Ryan Reeves. Obviously you saw it on the news. I found out that Kingsley is holding them in an abandoned hotel. I called you to drive me over there."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. So you telling me you are going into an abandoned hotel. With not protection what so ever and the men are armed."

"Yeah. That's basically it."

Diana's confused face speed into a smile.

"I'm so in. It's been so boring at work. I need so action."

She pressed on the gas......

Meanwhile at the abandoned Hotel.................

Tee woke up in pain. Her head was throbbing.

She realized that she was tied up. Dry blood was on in her head.

Next to her Ryan was laying there still unconscious but not bleeding anymore.

She crawled over to him and tried to wake him up.

"Ryan. Ryan."

She bugged him gently. His eyes slowly opened.

"Tee. What happened were are we."

"I'm afraid we've been kidnapped by Kingsley."

"You have blood in your hair."

"You have blood on your forehead. At least we're alive."

"Not for long," a voice in the pack ground says.

"KINSLEY why us and not Jody?" Tee asks angrily.

"Because I want time for her to feel guilty. I already know where she is. In three days time. She will be all mine. She is lucky that she survived the first shot. The second time she won't be that lucky."

With that he left.

"Ryan. We've got to try to escape before he kills us."

"How. Do you have an idea."

"I'll come up with one. I promise........"

At the Ruthina Care Home...........

Jody and Tyler were in the garden when Lola caught them.

"Tyler what are you doing here?" Lola asks angrily.

"Spending time with my best friend. You are my girlfriend but I cannot limit my time to only spend with you."

Lola looked spitefully at Jody the walked away.

"You showed her."

Tyler smiled.

Jody walked inside and Tyler was still outside.

Lola came up to her.

"I told you to stay away from him."

"Did I listen, no."

"Yes you didn't, and you will pay for that!" Lola exclaims as she jumps on Jody.

"Get of me you nut case!" Jody exclaimed.

"Stay away from Tyler. He's mine and not yours."

Tyler was listening on the outside.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Jody asks while slapping her.

"I don't hate you. I want you to stay away from him!"

"Lola! That's enough. I new something was wrong from the day I kissed you. I don't love you. You don't deserve it. I can see that now. We are over. Consider this a break up!"

Tyler walked angrily away.

Lola stopped fighting and feel to the floor in shock. Jody ran to get Tyler to talk to him.


He turned around and began talking.

"Why didn't you tell me that she was threatening you?" Tyler asks straight.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't have believed me and you would think I was jealous of her," Jody admitted sheepishly.

"Jody I always believe you. You my best friend. And best friends care about each other."

Jody smiled and hugged Tyler he hugged back.

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