Push Up

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A big thanks to @JeanMarcoTrashy for the votes that motivated me to continue on.

Levi Ackerman was on his 78th push up when he heard the unmistakable sound of laughter from a certain brunette. He stopped in his 79th round before looking up, only to see Hange carrying a bucket of laundry and swiftly made her way upstairs. But the laughter came from a small figure, 8 year old Anthony, who run down the stairs and straight to the kitchen, shouting, "Do we still have popcorn?!"

"Should be on top of the fridge!" Came the shouting reply from Hange.

Levi shook his head before continuing his push ups.

"I don't see it!"

"Give me a minute, and I'll help you out!" Not a moment later, Hange came running down the stairs, now carrying a much smaller figure on her arms. When Levi heard the footsteps coming towards him, he stopped his work out and looked up.

"Let the baby play on your back for a bit, honey." Hange didn't even wait for a reply, as she place the little baby on Levi's back before running to the kitchen to help Anthony.

Levi can't even form an expression. He blinked, before doing his push-ups once again. The little extra weight on his back wasn't enough to slow him down. In fact, it made him smile when he heard baby Max laugh.

Except that Max was holding onto his hair, pulling his head back repeatedly, but Levi tried not to let it bother him. The kids still a baby after all.

"Dad," Anthony called out, "Mom said the TV is broken."

Levi stopped his pushed ups again and stared at his son with an unimpressed blank expression, to which Anthony returned with the same look. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

"Don't bother your dad, Anthony," Hange walked out of the kitchen with a bucket of popcorn, and a book tightly sealed under her armpits, "Mr. Ackerman is stress from all his detective work."

Levi was gonna deny it when Hange suddenly, so swiftly, picked up Max from his back and placed herself on Levi's back, with the baby on her lap and adding more weight.

The male was gonna let out a warning when Anthony suddenly, so swiftly and so like his mother, sat on top of him too.

"Keep going, Mr. Ackerman. We're just gonna chill here." Hange grinned down at her husband.

Levi didn't even bother to reply, before he started doing his push ups once again. This time, his entire family on top of him.


It's more heavier than last time...



"You're getting more fatter, Mrs. Ackerman."

Hange smiled, before placing a hand on her womb, "well, after all..." Levi let a smile form in his lips too, "We're gonna have a new member in our family soon."

[478 words]

Tbh, this isn't even the whole darn thing. But that's another story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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