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"I can't do this." Levi threw the papers on the floor and thrust himself backwards to lay on the ground, folding his arms behind his head. "Too many words to even bother memorizing."

Mike couldn't care less. But Erwin was behind them, watching the trio do their work. He sat on one of the theatre chairs while sipping tea, judging the three who sat on stage as they practice. It wasn't a good idea to start lazying around when the drama teacher is watching. With no hesitation, the young blonde slapped Levi's foot. "Get up, you shorty."

Not even a second and Levi already aim a kick at Mike's face. But he knew he could stop it, seeing that Mike got hold of his leg. "Call me that again and you won't be able to get the other one." Levi warned, giving the blonde one of his dark looks.

Erwin, the teacher, happily took a sip of his tea as he watch the scene before him.

"If you can prove that you can  remember long lines and not short ones from your script, I'll behave for your satisfication." Mike said.

Levi glared at him.

"Even Hange is working harder than you." The blonde point a thumb at the brunette beside him, who had her face buried on the papers mumbling her lines time to time.

"You and I c-can survi- survive what?" She read aloud a line from the script, oblivious to the reality around her.


Levi grumbled something under his breath before sitting up again, picking up the papers he threw on the floor and reading one of his lines. "Shut up, shitty-glasses." He read. Levi furrowed his eyebrows. "The fuck is this? Who's shitty-glasses?"

"Hange's character." Mike said.

Levi's eyes darted up the paper and at the brunette who still have her face under her own script.

Erwin smirked before putting his tea down on the armchair then clapped his hands to get the trio's attention. They turned their heads.  "That line is from scene 9 act 4, I believe. When the Survey Corps is about to leave for the walls for another expedition." He said. "You would've known the plot Levi, if you had not miss the other practices."

In reply, the short male gave his teacher the middle finger. Which he did not mind.

"Alright, a few more minutes to remember the lines and we'll start practicing scene nine."


The trio stood on the stage, hands empty with no script.

"Okay, in a count of three I want Hange to start the scene."

She coughed nervously and nodded, her glasses inching down her nose. She adjust it back in place.

Levi spared a glanced at the brunette.

"Three." Erwin started.

Mike rolled up his sleeves.


Hange fidgeted.


Levi... just Levi.


It was like a switch. One second, they were just teenagers standing on stage, their brain reading the script, their minds setting the scenario in place. It was like turning on an illusion. Here they were, their butts on horses looking at a huge wall before them as a rush of a familiar emotion drive through their veins.

The sound of horses hooves stilted to a stop. And as the brunette looked at the long huge walls before them, her mouth shaped an O in amazement and she clasped her hands and wiggled in her seat. "Yes!" Hange shouted gleefully. "Finally, another trip out the walls!"

Mike sighed, stopping his horse just behind Hange. "Here she goes again." He muttered.

Levi was unimpressed himself.

"Who knows what we'll see out there!?" Hange continued, looking up at the sky now with spread arms. "Oooooh, I hope we'll see a titan! A big one! Yes, a big one! Hopefully a 15 meter one! But you know what's better?!" The female was practically drooling by now. "An abnormal!! Aaaah, just the thought of it makes my blood run like a Titan itself."

A snicker came out in Levi's direction, catching Hange's attention. "No wonder." He said. "But I'm pretty sure we already have an abnormal nearby."

The brunette looked around gleefully, jumping on her seat. "Where? Where? Where is it, Levi?!"

A scowl formed in the males lips before he looked at the female. "Right..." He took hold of her hair, the grease of her roots already sticking to his clean hands. His scowl only went deeper as he forced her head to turn to him, his eyes meeting her own. "...Here."

It took a few moments for Levi's words to register in Hange's head, and when it did a, small smile formed in her lips and formed into a huge grin before laughter came out of her mouth.

She laughed so hard Erwin had to cut the scene.

Levi walked to a corner of the stage and buried his face on his hands, hiding his emberrased expression. Hange continued to laugh, now rolling on the stage with an arm wrap around her stomach. Mike snickered now and then.

Erwin, himself, was dissapointed. "What happened there, Hange?" He asked as he crossed his arms. "You weren't supposed to laugh."

"I-I'm sorry, M- M- Mister Smith!" She replied between laughs. "You see," she giggled. "I swear I saw Levi blush!"

"Oh, fuck off Shitty-glasses." Levi spoked up from the corner, face still hidden with his hands. "I did not."

But, as he continued to smell his own hands where he had touched Hange's hair, he could smell the faint smell of shampoo. He tried not to smile so much.

Hange laughed. Mike snickered. And now even Erwin couldn't help but smirk.

[943 Words]

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