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Levi opened his eyes to a sky of gold and blue.

"To think that Humanity's strongest soldier actually died." A voice softly mused. "I thought you would last a little longer."

As Levi turned his head to the direction of the sound, he felt the brush of grass against his cheeks. Then his pair of eyes landed on a brunette.


The female gave him a grin, before lifting her hand up to form a mocky wave.



"...Hanji." He couldn't believe who was in front of him. Look at those shitty-glasses, her smile, her messy locks, and the way her head tilt with that eyebrows of her formed in a questioning look.

"What is it, Levi?"

And her voice. Oh for Sina's sake, her voice! How long has it been since he last heard of it!

Tears had started to form in Levi's eyes, but he blinked back his emotions. Hanji watched him sit up from the grass and run a hand through his face, letting out a sigh.

Silence had enveloped at that moment and they were both fine with it. Hanji took the time to stare at the males eyes, and when she suddenly saw a spark within those pair of iris, she knew that he was fully aware of where he is.

She was glad. Because she didn't like explaining any of the situation. 'Cause honestly, Hanji didn't even know herself.

But only one thing, and that's the fact that they're both dead.

"Life was good, shitty-glasses." Levi broke the silence. "At least, half of it."

Hanji let out a laugh, and Levi looked at her with a hidden smile. How he missed the way her head throw back as she laughed her damn ass off.

"Did they..." Hanji started, but too scared to continue the question.

"I don't know." Levi answered. "I died in the middle of it."


"How long has it been, Four-eyes?"

The brunette shrugged as she leaned her head on the males shoulder. "Time works differently here, apparently. A minute here could be century but it seems to change everytime. I tried to calculate the patterns but... there is no pattern." She sighed. "It felt like Moblit was just here a few minutes ago too."


"Mhm." Hanji looked down. "He died before me."

"Ah." Levi took a glance at the female. "So where did he went off to?"

"They took him." The male raised an eyebrow.


"Angels." Hanji curled herself in a ball and hugged her legs to her chest. "And i'm next."

"You know that I don't believe in that kind of shit when I was still alive." Levi blurted.

Hanji only nodded.

Then, once again; no one spoke a word. Silence entered the atmosphere and they both enjoyed it. Just sitting on the grass and staring at the horizon of green.

Until a black shade figure slowly walked towards them.

Hanji squinted her eyes to see if her sight wasn't failing her again.

Levi's eyebrows furrowed in suspicion, and grab Hanji's hand under his grip. But the female only pulled her hand out away from his grasp. "It's alright, Rivaille." She said. "I think... we'll see each other again..."

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