5. The Tape

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"Well if it's nothing we can pop it in and watch it."

• • •

Boxes. Boxes everywhere. You were focused on unpacking all of the boxes you could. You were moving in with your boyfriend, Sean.

He opened a box and pulled out an old fashioned VCR tape.

"Love... What's this?" He asked.

You gasped at the sight of it.

Long ago, you were with your then boyfriend, Gary. You two were so bored, so you decided to... tape yourselves... having sex.

"Uh it's nothing!" You yelped.

"Well if it's nothing we can pop it in and watch it." Jack said suspiciously.

There was no stopping him.

"Fine. But I'm already moving in with you, so if you get mad at me you'll have to forgive me!" You yelp.

Jack gave you a look and popped in the tape. The camera went out of focus and then you see a clearly younger you in a very short dress.

Jack's eyes widened as he saw your ex sitting on the bed with nothing but boxer shorts on.

"Is this what I think it is?" Jack asked in his think Irish accent.

"Look I was young and stupid and-"

You were cut off to the sound of younger you moaning. You quickly shut off the tape.

"It was a long time ago. We were just bored, drunk teenagers." You say ashamed.

"(Y/N), I'm not even mad. I think it's pretty hot." Jack purred in your ear.

"What are you saying?" You ask.

"I'm saying we should make our own sex tape." Jack said softly.

"What, right now?" You said nervously.

"Well maybe once you're all settled."

"Well if you're up to it then-"

"Of course I'm up to it."

"Then... let's do it..." You say nervously.

Jack kissed your lips.

"I'm only kidding, lass." Jack laughed.

"Oh, thank God." You sighed of relief.

How awkward.

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