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Tuesday, December 1st, 2015
5 Days Later
8:00 a.m.


I woke up to find Prince with his arm around me. I was wrapped in his embrace as he breathed softly behind me.

I jumped up out of bed, causing him to abruptly awaken from his sleep.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked in a groggy tone.

"You were sleeping on me. You know to stay on your side. That's how we've been doing it. That's how it's going to stay." I yelled.

"Hey. Calm down. You were crying last night while you were sleeping. I didn't know what for, but as soon as I comforted you, you stopped crying. I stayed like that for a couple minutes. I tried to turn back over to my side, but you eventually started up again. So, I just held you. That's all." He explained himself as he stared me in my eyes.

Fuck. What is happening to me? How did I get so weak? How did I get so vulnerable?

"Kyra. You okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.

I sat down on the bed with my hands on my head.

Where did I fuck up? When did I become so vulnerable? When did I lose control?

"You don't always have to be strong, you know. You can show me that other side. It's okay. You've been here long enough to know that. You have to let me in, Kyra."

"I have to go. Now. Release me from here. My time is up. I appreciate it, but I-"

"I can't let you go anywhere. It's dangerous. You've said it yourself. You've been snatched up. What if the next person that takes you isn't like me?" He asked, causing me to look at him.

"I can defend myself. I've been doing it since I was nine."

"Aren't you tired? I mean, can you honestly say that this break you've had wasn't relaxing?" He questioned.

I sat there, silent.

"Get dressed."


"Because. I have somewhere I want to take you." He turned his back to me as he started going through his drawer, searching for a shirt.

"Where?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You'll see. Be downstairs in thirty." He ordered, grabbing his outfit before leaving the room.

I sat there, confused.

Where could he possibly take me?

After I got dressed in a simple outfit, I walked downstairs to find him sitting on the arm of the couch. His leg was propped up on the ottoman. He was dressed in the best business suit I've ever laid eyes upon.

"Yes. I'm on my way. See you there." He spoke into the phone before hanging up, looking at her. "Are you ready?"

"Who was that?" I crossed my arms.

"You'll find out when we get there." He smiled, standing on both of his feet. He slid his phone into his pocket and smoothed his suit out.

"Why are you all dressed up? Where are we going?"

"Do you trust me?" He narrowed his eyes. I stared at him like he was stupid. "Well, can you at least try for today?" He held his hand out.

I stared at his hand before walking past him and towards the door.

In the car, he did nothing but talk business talk. His phone was constantly ringing. Most of the stuff I didn't understand.

We soon pulled up at large building. His security guards opened up the door for us as we climbed out of the car.

"What is this?" I asked. He just glanced a smile at me.

"Princeton!" I heard a voice call. There was a woman walking out of the front of the building. He turned his attention to her as she walked up to him with spread arms.

She had long hair with curled ends. She was wearing heels, causing her to tower over Prince.

"It's been a while. You seem to be doing good for yourself. You've gotten yourself a whole woman and everything." She glanced at me.

"She's a friend. She's the one I've been talking about." He looked at me also.

"Ooohh." She smirked. "She's got the looks for it. She's stunning. What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Why?" I questioned.

"Um-" Prince interrupted me. "Yeah, she's a little bit...yeah. She takes some getting use to. Diana, this is Kyra. Kyra, this is Diana Davis, CEO of Plump Models Magazine." Prince spoke as I stared the woman down.

"What is this?" I glared at Prince.

"Just give it a chance. I think you'll like it."

I stared at her before crossing my arms.

"Can you guys watch her while I talk to Diana for a minute?" He looked at the security guards. They nodded, taking one step closer to me.

"Hey! If the conversation is going to be about me, I need to know too." I protested.


"Just a minute!" I called back to her, walking away from her with Diana.

"She's interesting." Diana commented, looking at Kyra, who was questioning the guards.

"Yeah. She is." I chuckled, turning my attention straight ahead.

"Where is she from?"

"Not sure. She never told me when I asked."

"Okay." She nodded, dragging out the "a" sound. "What's her full name?"

"She never told me that, either."

"Well, is she of legal age yet? If not, I have to have her parents or guardians sign a contract."

"She's 18. You can't speak of her parents, though." I warned her.

"Car accident?"

"She won't tell me. Just don't bring up her family period."

She stared at me. "So, you don't know her name, her background, or where she's from? Where did you find her?"

"Diana, just trust me on her. Please. She'll be really good at this." I begged.

"Hey! How much will I be getting paid?! Mininum wage?!" Kyra blurted out.

"I don't think minimum wage applies to modeling." Nick, one of the guards, told her.

"So I'll be getting less?"


"Oh, shit! Bankroll!"

I turned back around and looked at  Diana.

She broke her attention from Kyra and looked at me. "Fine. I need more information than her name. Is there anything else I should know about her?"

"Keep her away from sharp objects and annoying people. Also, stay five feet away from her until she lets you get closer."

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"I know, I know. It sounds high maintence, crazy, and completely avoidable, but please trust me on this."

She stared at her, then back at me.


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