Chapter Two

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"What's happening??" I say growing alarmed. A small red light in the corner of the elevator lights up.

I can barely make out Noah moving towards the door and pressing his hands against the smooth metal. "We must be stuck."

"Stuck?" I bring my hands up to my face, "No, no, no, no. We can't be stuck?! How does that even happen?" I slide down to the floor and rest my elbows on my knees.

Noah looks at me puzzled. "It might just be the light but you don't look so good, sweetheart." I glance up at him, "I'm afraid of tight spaces. And... elevators." I look around uncomfortably. He snorts, "Well, don't throw up on me."

"Trust me if I throw up I'm aiming for you."

Noah sits down opposite from me and takes out his phone. "Are you calling 911?" I ask. "No. I'm calling Melanie."

"We should probably call 911."

"No. We shouldn't."

"Yes, we should."

"Why would we?"

"Because if we don't we're going to die."

Noah starts laughing, "How the hell would we die?" I shrug, "We have no water. We don't have food. And we're eventually going to suffocate."

"Shut up, I'm calling Mel." He silences me and I roll my eyes.

"Hey, um, we're stuck in an elevator... me and- um, what's your name?" He asks me.

I glare, "Very funny."

"Me and Bella... can you get maintenance or something?... The fire department?" Noah glances at me and continues talking, "well my new roomie is about to faint so.. yeah she told me that.." All of a sudden he starts laughing super loud and my head shoots up.

"What are you saying about me?" I demand. He presses his index finger to his lips to get me to be quiet and I scowl. Noah hangs up the phone and sighs.

"What did you say about me?" I repeat myself but he just shakes his head and smiles as if remembering a great joke.

"Tell me."

"Oh my god you're so annoying." He groans. "Bitch, this is your fault." I say.

" 'Bitch' how." He imitates me. "I don't know but it is." We sit in silence for a few minutes then I clear my throat, "Well, I'm calling 911." I say and take out my phone. "Calm down, Mel already did." He tells me.

"What's taking them so long?" I huff becoming irritated. Can this day get any worse. Honestly I'm just trying to live my life. Ten minutes pass and I start looking around the elevator. Shit what if we're stuck in here forever. What if the cable snaps? What if they can't get us out and we have to live in here for the rest of our lives? What if we run out of air.

I shut my eyes and rest my head between my knees. I can already feel the air running out, oh god, this is the end. Bella, calm your shit, this is just your anxiety, I tell myself. Just breathe. I start counting my breaths but all I can think about is suffocating and it gets harder to breathe.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Noah asks me concerned. Concerned? I lift my head and choke out a "yes" before putting my head back down. I hear movement in the elevator and then feel Noah's hand on my shoulder. I look up and his face is right next to mine causing me to jump. "You look like death, Bella." He informs me. "Wow thanks! That's what every girl wants to hear!" I say sarcastically.

Noah rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, but you do.". I look up at the ceiling and ask, "How long are we going to be in here." My voice wavers on the last word and I realize my eyes are filling with tears. Shit, Bella, don't do this now. Not here, not in front of him, I tell myself as if I can help it.

"Yo, just breathe." Noah whispers and I nod. He looks up and his eyes widen a bit, "They're here." Noah stands up and goes to the door.

"Y'all okay?" A loud voice says from the outside. "Yeah!" Noah yells back glancing at me still on the floor. "We're gonna open the door. Y'all are stuck between floors so we'll lift you up when we get it open. There's two of y'all?" The man asks and Noah yells back, "Yeah there's two."

"Does anyone need medical?" Another voice asks. Noah looks at me and I shake my head. "Nope we're good." He tells them.

The door slides open and I see we're positioned halfway on the second floor and there's an inch of space where we can see the bottom floor.

"Ladies first?" Noah says to me and I stand up shakily. The man on the second floor grabs me under my shoulders and lifts me until my upper body is out. I tell him I got it and push myself out.

"Bella!" A familiar voice squeals and I look up to see Ellie. She grabs my arm and pulls me up and exclaims, "I thought you were gonna die!"

"Me too." I let out a deep breath. We walk towards a set of stairs across from the elevators while they get Noah out, and I sit on the top step.

"How did it get stuck?" I ask Ellie as she sits down across from me. "They explained it to us but it was so complicated I tuned out." She answers waving her hand like its no big deal.

"You look sick." Ellie tells me. "Thanks." I huff. "Are you still up for the party?" She asks. Am I? I think I need to forget all that happened. "Yeah." I answer. I notice they got Noah out and he and Melanie are talking in hushed voices across the hall. We make eye contact and stare at each other before he breaks it to whisper something to Melanie. She nods and he starts walking towards us.

Fuck, shit, shitfucks. I scream in my head. What is he going to say to me? When he's close I open my mouth to talk but he just walks past us and down the stairs. I close my mouth and feel my face burn, feeling stupid.

"Well-," Ellie starts then notices my expression, "Oh my god! What happened in there between you guys?!"

"Wait what? Nothing! We just sat there until help came." I stutter. Ellie gasps, "Do you like him!" My eyes widen and I feel my face burn. "What the fuck, Ellie! Of course I don't! What makes you think that."

"Geez, Bella. Calm down, I was just joking." Ellie says quietly. "Yeah sure you were." I snap.

"Everything okay here?" Melanie asks sitting between us. Ellie is giving me a strange look as she says, "Yeah, everything is fine. Ready to go?" Me and Melanie nod.

Why did Ellie think I liked Noah? Did it seem like I did? Oh dear god is it gonna be awkward between me and Noah now. That would be the worst. We walk down the stairs and get in the car to head to the party.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm writing chapters as they come to me and I wrote like 5 today I'm on a roll. Anyway please comment your thoughts! And make sure you vote. Schools almost starting and I'm not prepared.

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