Chapter Nine

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I wake up and someone's knocking on my bedroom door. I turn over and groan. Who the fuck is knocking at my door.

I sit up and fix my hair before opening my door. I open it to find a man who must be the maintenance man standing there holding a soaking wet ball of fabric.

"Sorry to wake you, I fixed your toilet. This was stuffed in here I didn't know if you wanted to keep it or not." He hands it to me and it takes me a minute to realize it's Shane's t-shirt. I thank the maintenance man and shut my door again.

How the hell did his shirt get in there? It must've fallen or something. I just don't remember ever taking it into the bathroom. That's weird.

"I'm doing what you said, getting something I want before someone else gets it."

I shiver remembering how Noah's warm breath skated across the skin on my neck last night.

I look at my phone and read my messages. The most recent is from Shane,

Shane: be there in a bit babe

"Babe." I put my head in my hands. I'm so confused. I just need to forget about Noah. He'd probably just a fuckboy. Who knows, honestly. He wasn't acting like a fuckboy in the elevator my subconscious says.

I can't seem to shake Noah's words. Maybe he was drunk. Or high. Or both.

I decide to go to the only person that truly understands me, Ellie. I text Shane asking for a rain check and he says sure but I owe him.

I walk to Ellie's dorm and knock on the door. Melanie answers and says, "Oh hey Bella, what's up?"

I smile, "Hey can I talk to Ellie?"

"Ellie!" She calls into the dorm. "Bella's here for you."

Ellie comes out of her room, "Bella, what's wrong?"

"We need to talk." I tell her. We go into her room and I explain all that happened yesterday.

"Bella, you're overthinking all of this." She tells me, "You and Shane have been going out. Don't let Noah hitting on you throw you off."

"Yeah, I guess." I sigh and look at my shoes. "Just keep seeing Shane and if you find you keep having feelings for Noah then break it off." Ellie says.

"I don't have feelings for Noah." I tell her. "That's the spirit! Now go make out with Shane or something." She pushes me out of her room and towards the door.

"Wow, Ellie you're kicking me out." I say feigning an offended look. She rolls her eyes, "Go."

It's 4am so I'm stopping it here. I put in the quote from my old book that got put on Instagram. I was so happy tbh it makes me so proud. I'm pretty sure it was used to celebrate pride which makes it mean so much more to me.

Sorry it's so short, it's more of a filler chapter but longer and better updates are coming i promise. im working on another book atm but idk when im gonna publish that

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