Chapter Eight

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I was shopping all day sorry the update is late

Bella's POV:

That Friday, Shane texts me and asks if I want to hang at his place that night. I don't have any plans so I accept his offer. I walk to his dorm because it's still relatively light out and I can get Shane to walk home with me.

"Hey, I ordered a pizza it should be here shortly." Shane tells me when I get there, flashing me a smile. "Okay cool." I say giving him a smile in return. I look around the small dorm for Trevor and frown when I notice he's not around. Shane notices my frown and says, "Trevor went to visit his mom so he's not gonna be home for the next few weeks."

"Oh, that's nice." I answer. I follow him to his living area and sit next to him on the couch. Shane reaches over and takes my hand and I start shivering nervously.

When some people are nervous, they crack their knuckles or bite their fingernails. But no, I shiver uncontrollably.

"You cold?" Shane frowns seemingly concerned. "Nope." I cover up with a small smile.

"Let's watch a movie or something." He says and grabs the remote to start searching for something. There's a knock at the door and I exclaim, "Yay pizza!" and he laughs. While he's paying I look down at my phone and see I got a text from Noah.

Noah: the toilets flooding and I don't know what to do
Noah: it won't stop
Noah: how much water can a toilet hold

I roll my eyes.

Me: I'm busy sorry

Shane brings over the pizza and sets it on the ottoman.

Noah: oooo you must be on a date
Noah: remember to use protection

I groan. What the fuck is his problem I'm-

"What's wrong?" Shane questions. "Oh... um, my phones just glitching no big deal." I shake it off.

"Let's eat." I say quickly changing the subject. We eat almost the whole pizza while still searching for a movie. We can't agree on any of them.

"Why don't we just watch Ghostbusters or something?" I suggest.

"Nah, I've seen it too many times." Shane shakes his head. I roll my eyes, I could watch that movie a million times and never get tired of it. "Maybe we don't have to watch a movie." He switches the TV of and turns his body towards me.

"Okay then what should we do?" I ask. I can't help but notice how the space between us is getting smaller.

"I don't know. I like just talking to you." He tells me and I blush. Shane moves closer to me and before I know it, our lips are pressed together. I bring my arms up to his hair and his hands are pressed against my cheeks softly. Shane pulls away and sighs in relief, "You don't know how long I waited to do that." I smile and turn the ringer on my phone on before going in to kiss him again.

We make out for what feels like forever then my phone keeps dinging constantly. I break away and look at it. The only text I see is,

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