Chapter Ten

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Omg guys the pizza delivery guy said he liked my p!atd shirt and I blushed so hard I started shaking and could barely sign the receipt whY AM I LIKE THIS? Sorry here's the chapter lol:

When the semester starts me and Noah see less of each other and I see more of Shane.

We make it a point to go on a date at least once a week. I can't help but feel like I'm waiting for something. Like okay yeah we're dating but... what's next?

I'm at home studying one Thursday night when I get a text.

Ellie: u up for a party tmw
Me: I guess so
Ellie: u can bring Shane if u want

I hesitate, do I want to bring Shane? As much as I like him I feel like he would be too serious. In high school, Shane was often the person to throw the parties. But now he's uncharacteristically serious about everything.

I decide not to bring Shane along. I've been so stressed with classes lately I think it'll be good to let loose for once.

The next day I decide to fucking slay my makeup. I'm planning on having a fun night and I can't do that without a full glam look.

I straighten my normally wavy hair and spend almost two hours doing my makeup. The party's at Ellie's place so I don't need to get directions. Noah's no where to be found when I leave and I start to get curious where he goes all the time. I don't think he has a job? What could he possibly be doing? I look at his door, debating whether or not to go in. I look around the empty dorm like I'm making sure no one sees me. That's stupid Bella, I think to myself, you're the only person here. I walk over to the door slowly and silently. I press my hand against the cool surface of the door and lean my head close to double check that Noah's not in there.  My warm breath bounces off the door and hits my face.

I push open the door after determining that he is, in fact, not here. When I get into the room my eyes widen in shock. Everything in his room is neatly put in its place. The only thing messy is his bed that he obviously just rolled out of, not bothering to make it. My brothers rooms were always messy. My eyes flick to the dresser and I notice a small picture frame. I pad across the floor silently and wrap my fingers around the frame. In the picture, a smiling Noah is standing between two girls, his arms draped over their shoulders. I recognize Melanie standing on his left and a girl almost identical to Melanie standing on his right. The two girls had piercing blue eyes that even in the dark hue of the photo were prominent. Noah's hazel eyes shined with an emotion I didn't recognize on him.

"What are you doing in my room?!" An all too familiar voice growls from behind me. I drop the photo and whip around. Noah. He stood against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. His hazel eyes were gleaming with anger.

"I was just-" my mouth opens and closes unable to form words. His steady glare burns my eyes so I quickly look down. "Just snooping?" The light humor in his voice makes me look up, meeting his eyes. They still contain a slight trace of frustration but they now have a humorous glint.

"No I wasn't I was-" I quickly begin to defend myself but he cuts me off, "Don't even try to deny it." I roll my eyes and say, "What do you have to hide anyway?". Noah's eyes narrow and he says, "Then I guess I can just waltz into your room whenever I want, I mean," he looks up to meet my gaze, "what do you have to hide?" Noah smirks and I blush thinking about things I would rather not have him see.

"Exactly. Now get out." He demands pointing his thumb behind him gesturing for me to exit.

My blush deepens as I realize I've been caught and I quickly hustle out of there. Noah slams his door causing me to wince. What the hell was that?

I huff and spin on my heel. What a jerk.  Well, you were the one that was in his room, a voice in the back of my head says and I quickly silence it. I grab my phone and head out, not wanting to spend another minute in that dorm.

A/N: im babysitting and I've been watching Good Luck Charlie for the past 10 hours

This is more of a filler but shit is gonna go down, I've been busy getting ready for the start of school so I apologize for the lack of updates I have hella writing to do

Add me on snapchat I swear I'm cool: el2128

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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