Chapter Five

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Sc: el2128

Bella's POV:

"You owe me fifty bucks for that table, Lockheart!" I blink a few times and see a guy standing in our entrance glaring at Noah. I immediately recognize him as one of the guys that was playing beer pong at the party.

"Hey! What's going on?" I shout. The guy looks caught off guard when he hears me and says, "Your little boyfriend here broke my table last night. He owes me fifty bucks."

"Okay, first of all he is not my boyfriend and second can't you just buy a new one?" I put my hands on my hip.

"No I want him to pay."

"Trevor, I don't have any cash on me. Sorry bud." Noah says calmly. I look at him in disbelief. "Ugh." I groan and roll my eyes. I walk to my bag on the counter and say, "How much is it?"

"Fifty." Trevor says. I hand him a fifty dollar bill that my dad gave me a while back and say, "Next time just knock."

He nods and says, "Thanks." and leaves in a hurry. I turn to Noah and say, "You owe me." He flops on the couch and says, "Yeah, sure."

"Thank you, Bella. Oh you're welcome Noah." I say sarcastically and go to make my breakfast.

"How did you even manage to break a table?" I ask popping bread in the toaster.

"I got angry. They kicked me out after." Noah explains. That's why he was home.

When the bread is toasted I spread butter on it and go into my room to eat. I grab my phone and call my mom knowing she's probably wondering how I am.

"Hey, Bella! How's everything going?" She asks once I pick up. "It's going pretty well. But I was thinking about heading back home today so I can go shopping for somethings I need." I say then bite into my toast.

We talk for a little bit and then I hang up to get ready for the day. I put on a striped bodysuit and throw some shorts on over it. Then I go to the bathroom and do my hair and makeup. It typically takes me an hour since my makeup routine is so extensive.

I grab some of my things and head out. I check my phone and I'm surprised I don't have any messages from Ellie. I would think she would've texted me worried about where I went last night. Her phone probably died.

I hit Starbucks on the way there and get my favorite drink, their chocolate smoothie. I spend the rest of the day doing a back to school haul and then head back home, exhausted. Noah isn't there when I get back and I wonder where he is.

I throw all my bags on my bed and go to the living area to watch TV. I decide to catch up on The Bachelorette.

"This is such a show you would watch." I hear behind me and I jump. Noah must've come in while I was watching.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Let me guess, you lived in the rich part of Houston." He says snotily and sits on the couch. "Well... yeah but I wasn't rich." I tell him but he laughs, "What college kid has a fifty dollar bill lying around?"

My face heats up, "My dad gave it to me for an emergency but I used it to save your sorry ass." I snap.

"True." Noah says. "Where are you from anyway?" I ask Noah. "Katy."

"You seem like a Katy person."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Noah exclaims. I just laugh and get up to make macaroni and cheese.

He grabs the remote and I spin around. "Bitch don't touch the remote! I'm watching something."

"Bitch don't tell me what to do." He mocks my voice.

I dive for the remote but Noah is quicker and he holds it above his head. "Nope." He says. I crash into the couch but get up quickly. "Not fair." I cross my arms.

"You're gonna have to fight for it sweetheart." Noah smirks. I grab his arm and try to pry the remote out of his hand. Noah grabs me and pulls me down to the couch where he's on top of me.

"I win." He smiles and I glare, our faces just inches apart. "Fine I'll just watch TV on my laptop." I say. "Now get off." I demand. He doesn't move. "Dude Imma kick you where it hurts if you don't get your ass off of me." I threaten.

"Fiesty." He answers and gets off.

I make myself dinner and spend the rest of the night in my room.

The next day goes fast and before I know it it's Tuesday. I still haven't heard anything from Ellie and I figure she's mad because I snapped at her. Well she shouldn't have assumed I liked Noah.

I don't do anything that day except clean my room. My phone dings and it's a text from Shane.

Shane: I'll pick you up at 7 :)

It reads and I check the time. It's five o'clock, I should start to get ready now. I put on a t-shirt dress and go to the bathroom to do my makeup. I do a slightly darker eye look than I normally do and pair it with a nude lip. I finish a bit early so I chill in the living room.

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up.

"Girl where have you been?" Ellie snaps.

"Where have you been? You haven't texted me or called me for two days!" I snap back.

"Where did you go? You just randomly left the party." She questioned.

"Where did you go you just left me and disappeared!" I ask.

"I had to speak to someone about something."

"What was it?"

"Oh nothing. Anyway, what happened to you?" Ellie asks me. There's a knock on my door and I say, "Not now, I have to go."

"What?? Where can you possibly be going."

"I, for your information, have a date. Now excuse me." I say and she starts yelling into the phone, "Bella!? A date what?" I hang up. Who does she think she is?

I grab my bag and open the door. Shane is standing there and when I walk out he says, "Ready?"

Not much happened in this chapter but idk I liked it

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