Only Healthy

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   On the way home, America saw a McDonalds to the right of him. That's the McDonalds he always eats and brings to the meeting with him. Maybe I could pick some up now, America thought completely oblivious to the dieting. He realized he's hungry and started walking to the door. But he froze midway. He's suppose to be getting skinny, and fast food will certainly not help.

America stepped back to where he was and continued his way home. He will get skinny.

Although the food is extremely tempting. He never knew it was so hard to diet, people make it look so easy, but it's so much harder than you think. He's even hungry which makes a plain McDonalds sound very appetizing.

He started walking faster. He wanted the food so bad, but he wanted to be skinny even more. He ran to his house. America needed to get away from the food and running burns more calories.

He arrived at his doorstep out of breath, but happy. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. The kitchen is what his eyes set on first. It's full of crap he doesn't need, and it's terribly tempting.

The nation ran past the kitchen and up to the stairs. He wanted to see how fat he really is.

   He grabbed the scale at the back of his closet and laid it on the floor in the bathroom. He barely used scales. America hesitantly stepped on and waited for the weight.


   America looked plainly at the number. 190.6? He didn't think he weighed that much. The scale had to be wrong.

   He took off his glasses and jacket, and stepped back on. 190.5.. America still hated that number. The nation took off his uniform, and stepped back on, 190.5.

   America couldn't believe how heavy he was. They were right... America thought as he stepped off the scale. I really didn't know I was this fat. Only healthy eating now.

   He stepped in front of the mirror. What he saw was fat, a lot of it. He pinched his stomach, grabbed his thighs, arms, anywhere with fat. He got filled with instant sadness and regret. They weren't joking when they said I was fat.

He started crying, and didn't know why. Maybe all the guilt and sadness. Thinking how much he ate and how much other nations would call him fat. I was so oblivious.

America broke down right in front of the mirror. Tears streaming down his bright blue eyes. He took his glasses off and threw them on the floor, and brought his knees to his face. He was sobbing, filled with so much sadness. He needed to be skinny. He will be skinny.

His crying was interrupted by his phone. He quickly wiped his tears off his face and tried to stop crying. He finally took his phone out his pocket and saw "England".

That's odd, America thought, he never calls me. He answered the call and brought it to his ear.

"Hello?" America said still trying to wipe off his tears.

"America?" England questioned.


"Are you positive your ok?"

"Of course I am! I'm fine! Why do you keep asking!"

"You were acting different today." England pointed out.

"Haha! No I wasn't! Well see you later!" America hung up.

   He stood up and looked back at the mirror. Well great, England can see right through you.

   America opened up the door and walked downstairs into the kitchen. He barely had any fruits or vegetables. Just junk, such as left over McDonalds everywhere. I need to get rid of all of it.

He pulled out a trash bag from his pantry and started throwing away everything he saw. All the junk. The blond started with the fast food everywhere. He cleaned through his cabinets and got out everything. America went through his pantry and took out anything he saw, which required a lot more trash bags.

He had the trash bags laid down and stood looking at his clean sparkling kitchen. But now he had nothing. I need to go to the store. But before he could think what to get, his phone started calling. He groaned hoping it wasn't England. He picked out his phone and saw "France." America sighed and answered.

"What?" America sternly said.

"Why are you so mean?? I just called to ask if everything is ok, England seems a bit worried, and honestly I am too."

America groaned in frustration. "I said I was fine dude!"

"Ok ok! Just want to see for myself, bye!"

America got hanged up on. He looked at his phone with stupidity before putting it back into his pocket. Is going on a diet that bad?

   He ended up going to the store only for good food. Later on that week, America ate only healthy things, juicy fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. His weight slowly went down, which made him extremely happy.

   This may be boring, but I'm trying to start it off here, and updates may be slower than it has because school starts in like a week.

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