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lol my music recommendation this time is something fast and tense but not happy. I was listening to Echo Hetaloid America Civil War which will also be the main song for my next story! :3 also this is pretty long to make up my absence

   England sped on the road, ignoring every car he flew by. He had France beside him, and Canada in the back. All of them were extremely nervous, and full of anxiety to the point of being nauseous. You could see the anger and fear that was mixed into England's distressed face.

"Why the bloody hell did I just leave him.." England murmured.

"WHY THE HELL DID I LEAVE HIM?" He screamed out of frustration.

"Calm down! Have hope! I'm sure he's fine!" Canada put his hand on England's shoulder. "...I'm sure he's fine." Canada smiled.

   "But what if he isn't?!" England started tearing up. "It's all my fault! Why the hell would I just go after his state?!" England swerved a bit on the road from his blurry vision.

   "Hey! Calm down! You're swerving!"
France yelled.

   "Like I give a shit..." England sped up more with America's place in view.

   He quickly parked the car when he made it to the house, and ran to his front door. The others followed behind, but England was already pounding on the door.

"OPEN THIS BLOODY DOOR ALFRED!" He pounded the door over and over hard as he could.

England couldn't think straight in his state of mind. Everything was happening too quickly. He wasn't sure if America, the one he raised since he was so young, was alive. He felt nauseous at the thought, but didn't give a shit about his thoughts. He only thing he has his mind set on is to open the door and see America well.

As he knocked, it felt like his body had started to boil from the heat of nervousness. The brits' hot sweat had formed all over his body, and became hot and heavy through his thick clothes.

"MY GOD ALFRED PLEASE!" England pounded so hard you'd expect the door to be in pieces by now.

France and Canada at this point had reached America's doorstep also. France started knocking away at the door too.

"ALFRED WE ALL LOVE YOU CAN WE JUST SEE YOU THIS ONCE?" France gave somewhat heavy knocks.


England made a weak sound, and gave one last pound at the door before leaning against it in hopelessness.

"He's not fucking there..," England had started to tear up. "and it's all because of me." You could hear the sad crackly sound in his voice as he tried to hold back his cry.

"Why are you giving up so easily?" France had daggers at his eyes before he turned back to the door.

With no hesitation, France kicked the door with his shoe. It didn't budge at first, but he did it again, and again. Pieces of wood would be chucked off until the entire door had been torn down.

England and Canada were a little shocked, but it didn't matter. The door was open. England could see America again, but he became filled with more anxiety. He hoped the best, and ran first into the house.

   England saw America nowhere. The only thing he had his sight set on was America. He would look left and right ignoring anything else his eyes tried focusing on, but he was nowhere.

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