A Few Months

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All of them had waited patiently in the hospital. America was immediately rushed to a room, but England, France, and Canada were seated in the waiting room.

"Alfred Jones?" A feminine voice spoke.

"Ah, yes!" England stood up quickly.

"Who are you to Alfred?" The lady looked a little confused. She had a white uniform on with a clipboard.

"Oh.., a friend?" England blushed a small bit wondering what to say.

"Ok.." the girl answered in question before she wrote something on her clipboard. "I have some good and bad news for your friend here."

"What is it?" England frantically tried speaking. France and Canada listened intently behind him.

"The good news is he's alive and will most likely make it. The bad news is he has anorexia and a somewhat degree of bulimia. If you hadn't found him at the time you did, I'm sure his body would have given out."

England knew America had some type of problem with his body, but it still hurt to hear the nurse explain it to him. He opened and closed his mouth trying to find the words to say.

"Then how long does he have to be here?" England fidgeted with his fingers with anxiety.

"Until he reaches a healthy weight of course. It might be a couple months at least." She held the clipboard at her side and looked at him curiously for his answer.

"Ah, ok." England stared at the floor in guilt. "Thank you." He spoke then turned back around at France and Canada silently. He wouldn't look at them in the eye and instead had tears start to form in his saddened and dullish eyes. England sat down next to them and let a few tears leave his eyes silently.

"Can we visit him?" France quietly murmured.

"Not until tomorrow." England looked at the ground expressionless but with tired eyes.

"Should we head home then?" France looked at England worriedly.

"No, I'm staying here the night." England finally looked into his eyes.

France didn't say anything or argue to that. He knew he cared deeply for America. France was actually starting to worry for how stressed England is.

"We'll stay too." France smiled slightly. Canada gave off a little smile too.

England looked back in front of him at the white checkered floor in hopelessness. He knew America was going to be okay, yet he still felt horrible about it. England felt guilty for having this happen to America. If only he didn't leave America on his own.


   The rest of the day and night passed by quite quickly. France and Canada had activities they played with during the day like board games and electronics. Later on at night, they slept on the few couches the place had until day came, but England had a different night. He stayed in the same chair and still contemplated this entire situation, and how he was at fault.

   France tried to calm England and let him sleep, but it was obvious that he wasn't going to rest until he saw America.

   It reached about 6 a.m. when others started to come into the hospital to visit their love ones, so England immediately stood up from his chair to speak to the desk lady.

England quickly got the desk lady's permission to visit America's room. He had a quick pace walking down the hallway looking for his number until he found it.

England's pace quickened as he ran into the open room. First thing his eyes focused on was America's lifeless body. He wasn't that surprised since he saw how horrible he looked before, but the guilt still overcame him.

England walked closer and gently held onto America's cheek. He felt like crying again because he knew this was all his fault. England sniffed and tried to wipe his eyes with his other hand.

"I love you.." England mumbled as he cried softly.

After a small moment of silence, he felt another hand hold onto his.

"I love you too!" A bright voice echoed in England's ears. England opened his teary eyes in shock to see America smiling widely.

"America!" England quickly took back his hand and blushed a small bit. England looked down and cried harder, to the point of sobbing.

"I'm so sorry.." England covered his stained face with his hands. "I'm so sorry.." England repeated.

"For what?" America looked worried. "You didn't do anything! Please don't cry." America frantically tried calming him down.

"America!" A quiet voice yelled as Canada ran into the room and hugged his brother. France followed behind and smiled to see America doing well.

"Canada! And France too!" America examined everyone wondering what he could possibly do to worry them this much, but he remembered.

   America's smile faded as he remembered everything. He felt extremely guilty to see everyone like this. This was all his fault.

"Hey.. how long am I suppose to be here?" America mumbled.

"A couple months." England smiled after his crying. "Just a few months."

America snapped in realization that the hospital is going to definitely make him gain weight. They're going to make him fat again. The thought of returning to how he was before sickened him. The tons of fat he worked so hard to lose is going to come back. Without realizing it, tears had started to stream down America's thin face.

For a few months,

I will be in hell.


I finALLY WROTE IT. It took a long time but I really want to finish this one. I probably lost a ton of readers but I still want to finish this. I pretty much left the Hetalia fandom so it's just not that interesting to write anymore.

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