4. Not that broken

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Aystine's POV

I couldn't believe I was saved yet again. I never wanted to be saved but I'm grateful to be here. As I was kissing Sebi I can feel the full moon coming up soon. I just wish I could tell him as my mind drifted into space. I didn't know I fainted until I felt the blood go all the way to my head then I blacked out. I could feel myself being carried to my room I was set on the bed I was sweating like crazy he kept putting a cold wet cloth on my forehead. I woke up with a gasp I looked around and it was on the pear of nightfall I got up and went outside I can feel the wolf being born again it wants to be free. I feel a hand go to my elbow I turned around. It was Sebi with a worried face on I looked behind me and saw Cara.

"Keep him company and don't kiss him again or just bring him he has to find out some how." I said

"What are you talking about?" He said

"It's better if you watch come on its almost upon us, Cara in front of me now!" I said

"He doesn't have to know you can just tell him." She said looking at his neck

"You bite him why?" She said

I gave her a 'I had to' look and just kept walking towards the basement where I shift into a wolf.

"Sorry I should have never asked I know why now." She said

"It's fine my little Lilly." I said

"You know I hate being calling that." She said

"I know I like too." I said

"Hey you okay?" She said to Sebi

"Huh, I'm fine I'm just worried about Ayst that's all."  He said

"She'll be fine not if she gets out." She said

"What does that mean?" He said

I move toward the window and look out it was dark now and I'm late the moon ingolfed my mind and turning it into a beast of the night. I started to run and after a minute I slowed down to catch my breath and the first wave hit me hard I bend down on my knees clutching my stomach because of the pain. Then I feel a hand on my back I looked at him and his eyes were still worried. I started to shift harder now and fast Cara grabbed Sebi's arm and scooted away fast I got closer to then and finally the wolf  appeared I shook my fur and looked at Sebi to Cara. They were about to run when I just laid there waiting to go to the room Cara ran away.

"Cara wait look she's just laying there." He said

I just looked at him with curious eyes I tilted my head like a confused dog would.

"Don't trust the wolf in Aystine it's deadly." She said

Sebi opened his hand and stepped closer I got up and moved toward him he knelt down palm up still I sniffed in his scent I smelled mint and vanilla I sneezed the puppy dog sneeze.

"Awe." They both said in unison

I walked toward the room and clawed at it then looked at Sebi he unlocked the door and I went in I looked at the bed then Sebi again he picked me up and set me on the bed I walked around then laid there Sebi was watching Netflix Daredevil he kept look at me.

"Stop looking at me just because I'm a wolf doesn't mean I'm going to eat you." I said through his mind

"Get out of my head Ayst!" He said

"Why?" I said

He didn't answer I just stayed out of his head then I saw something strange in his mind and I saw a very cute fella like a girl who was kissing him. He was snoring softly and I got up went to the balcony and went through the doggy door I looked up at the moon and shifted back into a human I wasn't cold nor hot I was just fine my temperature was the same as it was. I went to the corner of the balcony and grabbed my cigarettes and took one I put it between my teeth and lit it took one big puff and thought to realising pain, the guilt blowing out the smoke I looked behind me and saw Sebi sleeping I took another puff and blew it out I got on the railing Sebi woke up and looked at the balcony and ran to the window I looked down the behind me and saw one word came out of Seb's mouth "no" which means don't jump I didn't know I dropped my cigarette I went after it and while I was down there I shifted into a half human half bird like creature I flew up high and came back down after a while. I looked at Seb and he had a shocked face. I shifted back and landed on the balcony like a superhero landing which did hurt my knees. I went back into the room and left to go training with Derek.

Sorry for the late update I'll update Saturday on Sebi's Birthday. Don't forget to vote and comment how it is or how I should make my vocabulary better thxs.

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