23. Capture the flag

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RDJ / Tony's POV

"I got my teammates in potion so we're on the go." I said through my ear peace

"We're almost done we just need to get Noel out of the trees." Steve said

"No, I'm staying up here." She yelled at Steve

"Bucky would you get your girlfriend out of the tree please so we can start the game." Steve said

Bucky laughed and started to climb up the tree and got Noel on his back and he jumped down to the ground.

"Okay we're in potion Noel get out of the fucking tree!" Bucky said looking up again

"Come and get my pregnant ass out of this tree!" She yelled at Bucky

"Okay let's just play anyway." Bucky said

"Call it!" I said to Steve

"Avengers captured that flag." Steve said

Noel smiled and started to move from tree to tree and she shifted into a monkey and started to find the flag. She located the flag and jumped down and got blasted by vision in the shoulder she looked at her shoulder and it healed real fast. Vision was surprised at her abilities she was there then the next thing he knew he was being tossed away from the flag she got it and climbed the trees again and she went over to her teams side and she crossed the line without us knowing and popped by Bucky and he seemed to be scared cause he hit her in the face by accident with his metal arm.

"Oh my god Noel I'm so sorry." He said to her

"It's fine at least you one this round." She said handling him the flag

"How did you get it so fast?" He said

"It's a secret." She said

"Hey Tony want to play another round?" She said through comms

"Yeah sure also you cheated." I said

"Too bad and suck it up oldie." She said

"Okay you're boyfriend and brother is the oldie Noel get it right!" I yelled at her

"Bucky he's yelling at me." She said to Bucky

"Stop bullying my girlfriend you douchebag." He said

Noel kissed his cheek for defending her and he blushed hard. On the other hand Wanda and Steve were talking. I think they were flirting?

Noel's/ Nightwarz POV

I looked around the scenery and noticed something different in the trees I walked up to it and started to climb it once I saw what it was I looked around and saw no one looking I turned around and saw it had a red button on it I pushed the button and I was in golfed in some type of mist and everything went dark I must have fallen on the ground hard I felt like my mind was being ripped apart one piece at a time consuming me in black mist of my mind. I woke up with a gasp and hit Bucky's head again. He choked me with his metal arm Steve tries to release me but I see a white cloud and go to it and I passed out from lack of oxygen. Bucky stopped and ran away fast as possible. Cara ran into him and fell hard on the ground bleeding from the head. Bucky stopped and looked at her and helped her up. She used her power on him to fall in love with her instead of Noel.

A few weeks later

Bucky left me with Steve and everybody for my sister. He's a quiet person but maybe not for Cara. She doesn't know I'm pregnant nor does the team. I was in the bathroom emptying my stomach from dinner it was three in the morning.

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